I love the USA, the great state of Texas and funsubstance
— texasranger Report User
Laughs in manifest destiny 5 comments
· 6 years ago
TJ bought a 3rd of our land from Napoleon. Id call that a diplomatic trade.
Life's not fair 20 comments
· 6 years ago
I dont think thats what hes talking about. In your 2nd sentance you talk about dont take the victim mentality. Hes playing off of that. Hes not denying that you were victimized i think hes saying dont let it define you. I think the "you are not" statement can change based on tone of voice. It can be an encouragement or are criticizim. Id have to hear it myself to be sure. But what your talking about is valid i dont think thats what this is. But i could be wrong.
When I travel I wanna see things and it becomes a problem when you don’t 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Right if they get it wrong you can correct them. But dont diminish their humanity
Life's not fair 20 comments
· 6 years ago
To many people experience hardships and then do nothing except point fingers. Do something to better your life.
Laughs in manifest destiny 5 comments
· 6 years ago
And conqured thousands of square miles of territory through diplomatic trade and military conquest
Now he fears the dark side 2 comments
Powdered sugar is highly flammable 3 comments
Wreiched 56 comments
· 6 years ago
I agree. I dont like the hardline partisan brainwashing thats become so prevalent. And this is coming from someone who is religious. I lean conservative on a several issues. But guess what I also have liberal views on others. Because conservative solutions to those issues in particular are crap! And that makes me a traitor or a pussy.
Edited 6 years ago
Wreiched 56 comments
· 6 years ago
Another perfectly acceptable reason. Not everyone believes in god and we have freedom of religion or in this case lack there of.
Wreiched 56 comments
· 6 years ago
The secede thing is only a running joke. Nobody is actually serious (nobody who knows anything that is) we texans may toot that horn after a shiner to many. Its because we used to be our own country and because we still hold on to that in tradition only. I believe we are also the only state besides Hawaii to fly our flag at equal hight of the US flag. While we cant legally secede (losing the civil war ended that debate) we are still proud of it. Thus we have our own pledge.
Wreiched 56 comments
· 6 years ago
Im fully aware of the attrocities the united states has committed and are commiting. But because I love my country I want it to do better. I will devote my live to better my country. And just like a father who loves is children he will be there when they succeed and when they fail help them up if need be. In truth if you're not a little bit ashamed of your countries history then you dont know your countries history very well. That goes for every country on the planet.
Oc hopefully 33 comments
I see you got a new driver 8 comments
· 6 years ago
And thus is the life of a soldier. Whos duty is not ask why but to do or die
Wreiched 56 comments
· 6 years ago
But you are right about being informed. Controlling information and knowledge is perhaps one of the more powerful things a society has. People have a right to be informed and SHOULD be informed. Thats the genious of the freedom of the press. But our media chooses to be squabbling idiots. Not all just a fair few.
Wreiched 56 comments
· 6 years ago
Yes I did actually. And I know people that didnt know. It was made clear to me that you certainly dont have to say it. But you SHOULD stand. You dont have to stand but you should out of respect. Teachers who try to force kids to stand or say it are missing the point. A action forced has no meaning. A choice holds true meaning. I stood and said the pledge because I wanted to and I believe it. I don't condemn patriotism even nationalism. Patriotism is acceptable there is nothing shameful about loving your country. Has the United States committed terrible attrocities and oppressed people? Absolutely. But what can I do about it. I can do what ever I can to make my country better. A country is just a group of people with some imaginary lines and scratches on paper. The real heart of a country is its people. And I love our people.
Edited 6 years ago
Wreiched 56 comments
· 6 years ago
Is it indoctrination yes. You are not required to say it unlike in Nazi germany or the soviet union where you were shot for showing disloyalty. Big difference.
Life lesson to live by 3 comments
· 6 years ago
A common saying in my house was "you're not responsible for my happiness"
Edited 6 years ago
Manager is not a nerd 2 comments