I love the USA, the great state of Texas and funsubstance
— texasranger Report User
Experiment 113 comments
· 6 years ago
The term "experiment in freedom" was coined in the 1780s by several american politicians and authors to describe the situation they found themselves in. We know we didnt invent democracy or freedom. The greeks invented democracy. Hell even the British Empire had parlament at the time. So we definitely didnt invent democracy. "Experiment in freedom" simply references a time when America was a fledgling democracy surrounded by colonial territories of monarchies and they didnt know if the country would survive a decade.
Experiment 113 comments
· 6 years ago
Absolutely like i was in europe a few weeks ago and here i am standing in a cathedral 3 times as old as my whole country
Experiment 113 comments
· 6 years ago
What if I told you that no country that has ever exhisted is without the stain of innocent blood. Ideals are Peaceful History is Violent and nations are built upon a foundation of gravestones. Does that make it ok sertainly not. But does that make the United States a bastion of evil and immortality. No. In my opinion both of these guys are wrong. One is naive the other is a close minded cynic.
Edited 6 years ago
The never ending library! 6 comments
What's the backstory 21 comments
This will surely offend a few. 36 comments
· 6 years ago
And on the flip side. I dont believe anybody should get extra famous points just because they are gay. If they made a contribution to society and altered the course of history (like alan turing did) then awesome they should celebrated. So what if hes gay. Yeah its his story and its worth being told. But he didnt change history because hes gay. He changed history because hes a fucking genius and sought to end the war.
Well that’s awkward 8 comments
An 18ft crocodile caught a bull shark and ate it 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Sharks face be like "holy shit yall supposed ta be extinct...i have made a terrible mistake"
Because it's fun and cute ! 31 comments
Bullet dodged! 11 comments
· 6 years ago
And had to have spent money and time to get a DNA test to prove her wrong. And you know court and things
Richard holder 22 comments
· 6 years ago
Jesus says alot of things that took many religious leaders by suprise. He hung out with sinners. Prostitutes and tax collectors. The whole story of the Pharisees drag out an adultrous woman and ask Jesus to condemn her before they stone her to death and Jesus says "he who is without sin cast the first stone" while he doesn't acknowledge that the woman is without sin he does make a point to that she is to be forgiven. He clothes her and lets her go.