*slurp* 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I just could not have said it better 8 comments
Being OCD seems to be a cool thing now 16 comments
· 7 years ago
True, my buddy's boss had to press the lightswitch 27 times before he exit the room. It makes going to meetings and appointments harder and wasting so much time, but he would be anxious the whole time otherwise.
Which one has more value? 25 comments
· 7 years ago
Some infinities are bigger than the other solely because of how we list them. Check numberphile's video on youtube that explains about it.
...... Right? 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Not really, because of infinitesimal. Basically there's an infinite amount of number before it reaches zero
Edited 7 years ago
Russian medicine 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Russian cursive is hard and most of the letters in cursive are hard to distinguish. I spent too many hours studying them .-.
.....shhhhhh I don't have a problem 27 comments
Would you? 48 comments
· 8 years ago
What if it's opened, in your house, and your family is there too like any normal night, and you get to do anything you want. The only thing you have to do is sleep there for the night, like a temporary bed.
New bed for the cat 4 comments
Some of the types of colorblind (sorry for those who are colorblind and can't see) 22 comments
· 8 years ago
This is what I found.
Protanopes are more likely to confuse:
1. Black with many shades of red
2. Dark brown with dark green, dark orange and dark red
2. Some blues with some reds, purples and dark pinks
3. Mid-greens with some oranges
Deuteranopes are more likely to confuse:
1. Mid-reds with mid-greens
2. Blue-greens with grey and mid-pinks
3. Bright greens with yellows
4. Pale pinks with light grey
5. Mid-reds with mid-brown
6. Light blues with lilac
Protanopes are more likely to confuse:
1. Black with many shades of red
2. Dark brown with dark green, dark orange and dark red
2. Some blues with some reds, purples and dark pinks
3. Mid-greens with some oranges
Deuteranopes are more likely to confuse:
1. Mid-reds with mid-greens
2. Blue-greens with grey and mid-pinks
3. Bright greens with yellows
4. Pale pinks with light grey
5. Mid-reds with mid-brown
6. Light blues with lilac