I'm a person that is this old and living in a town, in a state, in a country. Also I live on Earth and I enjoy Homestuck.
— Tavros_Nitram Report User
So NASA wants to make a floating city on Venus 13 comments
· 10 years ago
So, basically if it does happen, the creators of the Jetsons would have predicted the future of human technology?
Where did you sit? 45 comments
The last kid makes it all worth it 19 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't criticize these kids for not knowing what that is, but it makes me sad how the kids thought it was a piece of junk, mainly because there were no apps on it.
Two great minds and how people perceive them 35 comments
Two great minds and how people perceive them 35 comments
· 10 years ago
I think that people don't like Bill Gates because they are so endorsed in Apple products and their quality, they shun the people who actually realize how much Steve Jobs was kinda mean. I know several people like this, and I remain a windows lover.
I want to punch right through it 19 comments
The worst possible scenario for any fish 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I thought that the bear was the fish floating in midair and then I saw the fish and the bear.
Best chemistry joke of all time 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I was trying to multiply it out and I got 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
I thought that it meant something until I read the comments. I never took chemistry so yeah.
I thought that it meant something until I read the comments. I never took chemistry so yeah.
Leave immediately 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure that this was supposed to worry people, but I'm not afraid of the idea.
Its not difficult 8 comments
Just another day in anime 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Wow. Just another girl being eaten by a fish. What? Is something wrong? Oh. Nah. Happens every day.
So sad 30 comments
· 10 years ago
Guys, like many other people said, don't hate on all people living in the United States just because of what you see here. Not all American people act this way. This kid is clearly overreacting. That doesn't mean that all Americans are spoilt brats.
Test your vision. 41 comments
· 10 years ago
If you are still wearing glasses or prescription contact lenses, take them off and then move away from the image. If you see Marilyn Monroe, you are doing it correctly.
Easter egg hunts can get pretty serious 24 comments
· 10 years ago
A huge problem in our childhoods has been solved. Your grandmother is the future.
The greatest battle of all time 8 comments
f*ck squids 17 comments
· 10 years ago
If pollution is going to do this to squids, by 2053 kids will be like, " Mommy! Look! The squids are back from their migration to the ocean! "