Yes, I know kitty 9 comments
· 10 years ago
I do the same with my chickens, because they never shut up.
How lovely ;-; 11 comments
· 10 years ago
The only thing they did to him was teach him, they didn't inject him with stuff or anything, they just wanted to see how intelligent these birds could be with the right training. When he wasn't in training he was basically a pet. (I've seen videos about him)
I miss this show... good ol' days 17 comments
I miss this show... good ol' days 17 comments
So I saw this and thought it was good to show you guys 13 comments
· 10 years ago
didn't want to put a 2 year old through that if they didn't have to. But warned them if it happened again they would be in deep shit. This was the imfamous Phoenix PD by the way. Double standards exist but there are still plenty of people with their head on straight.
So I saw this and thought it was good to show you guys 13 comments
· 10 years ago
When my friend was 2 her parents got into a dispute and her mom was being a jerk and wouldn't listen to anything her dad was trying to say so he snapped and thwacked her on the head like you would a bratty kid (which was wrong of course) but then the mom went ape-shit and just started wailing on him and she is wayyy smaller so she didn't do any real damage but he did get some light bruising. Well she called the cops because "her husband was beating her" even though he hadn't touched her after the initial thwack. The cops showed up and listened to the story and said that they were going to take both of them in and hand my friend over to CPS. They also said that the dad would probably just have to spend the night as a warning (because he did not and did not intend to actually hurt her) but the mom would probably be charged with assault. After some more discussion though they decided to not bring them in since neither had a record and the child had not been abused in any way and they
What happens when you don't have kids 6 comments
An accident waiting to happen 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't sext but I have the same problem with my phone. My boyfriend's name is Damian so of course it is right next to Dad. One time I was at a skating rink with my sisters and they wanted to go home so I texted Dad "We're done" so he would come pick us up. Two minutes later a very upset Damian called me asking me what he did wrong and why I would be so mean as to break up with him over text like that. It took me a few seconds before I realized what happened and when it dawned on me I just starting laughing at my own blunder. This, of course, only made Damian feel worse because not only had I "dumped him" with 2 words I was also laughing at him. I realized what I was doing and stopped and started frantically explaining the situation. It's been 3 1/2 years since then and I still feel bad when I think about it, but he has long since forgiven me and we are still together.
I'm so going to do this to my children 15 comments
· 10 years ago
What if you spent 18 years doing this only to realize that you put the address in your contacts 1 character off so you sent all this stuff to nowhere or a stranger and your kid just gets an empty account. Or the provider "recycles" the address because it isn't logged into enough and all of your work is lost.
You know it's happened to someone 1 comments
Who wants to go out with a bag of bones? 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah I was gonna say I'd take either lol. Both versions are attractive just in different ways.
A visit to the vet. 2 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually not all vets are ridiculous about it. we have a clinic near our house that's amazing. My lab, Daisy, had what appeared to be a UTI and we bought the appropriate antibiotics online. Well the night before Thanksgiving at like 7 she got much worse in what seemed like minutes so my parents rushed her to the clinic and they determined that it was actually an infection in her uterus so they were kind enough to stay late and did an emergency hysterectomy on her and set her up with some pain meds. The whole ordeal only cost like 600 which was way less than we expected. They must have done a really good thorough job because she was up and walking (albeit gingerly) the next day and didn't even need her pain pills after the second day and they gave us enough for a week.
Anti date rape drug nail polish 44 comments
· 10 years ago
http://rwu.edu/campus-life/health-counseling/counseling-center/sexual-assault/rape-myths-and-fac Here is my source. I used a university page because the data has to be accurate and updated or the university gets in trouble. Don't trust .com sources because they can be wrong or lie without much or any consequence. Just in case you didn't know.
Anti date rape drug nail polish 44 comments
· 10 years ago
sadtruth did you or someone you know get raped by a woman? Because you seem pretty fixated even though no one here has said that men do not get raped. And as has already been pointed out the polish is clear so men could wear it as well and not look weird. The reason female rape is so focused on is because the chances of a woman being raped or at least attempted rape is 1 in 5, the number may actually be higher though because it is estimated that only 1 in 7 rapes/attempted rapes are formerly reported by the victims. Could be more could be less, researchers can only speculate based on surveys and such when it comes to non reported incidents. While men are indeed at risk for rape the statistic is more like 1 in 71 (I am speaking only of female on male not male on male) and I don't know what the non reported stat is for them, though I am sure more go unreported than not. Nobody here is saying they don't know/care about male rape, it just isn't as prevalent.
Anti date rape drug nail polish 44 comments
· 10 years ago
Replying to the first guest: it's not as easy as you would think. My university had a rootbeer "kegger" last year to educate freshmen about date rape. All the RA's were given "roofies" (tic tacs) to slip into the freshmen's rootbeer to show just how easy it is to do that. I was only there for about 20 minutes and I spent the whole time actively and attentively watching out for people trying to "drug" me, I even held my hand over the top of my cup when passing groups of RA's. I was pretty proud of myself for my anti-roofie skills, that is until I finished my rootbeer and found SIX tic tacs at the bottom.
Oh shit 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Her nails are hideous, why would you pick that color with such long nails?
Spoiler Alert 8 comments
· 10 years ago
If I had a kid and he/she said this to me I'd probably slap them into another dimension and I'm not even someone who believes in corporal punishment. There's a big difference between lying to your parents about sneaking out or whatever and your parents "lying" to you to make your childhood fun and give you stuff. If you've ever said this to your parent I hope they kicked you out because that is beyond ungrateful spoiled behavior. Sorry to rant but I've seen this stupid picture like 10 times and I couldn't hold it in any longer. :b
Just for you guys steaming in Summer 31 comments
· 10 years ago
I guess Australia and Arizona must have pretty similar climates because it's at least 105 degrees fahrenheit for most of the summer which an f to c converter tells me is about 40 degrees celsius. But usually in late July its 115 (46) to 120 (48) for a few days. But luckily for us the monsoons have cooled it down a bit here.
Just for you guys steaming in Summer 31 comments