How to eat your ramen hardcore! 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Lol it made me cringe a little. That would hurt SO bad if you actually did it.
Toilet paper instructions 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't understand why this is an issue, am I missing something? I've never cared which way it was...
People don't know what the real problem is 19 comments
· 10 years ago
At this point in my life the only things that keep me from going off the deep end are my pets and food. Is that a good way to live? Hell no and I hate myself for it everyday. But I don't know how to stop and stay sane at the same time right now. I'm trying, believe me, but you don't change something like that because some jackass on the internet thought "faces of fat" would scare you into compliance or because someone posted for the thousandth time about the health risks of poor diet. It is something you work at over time because it is what you want, and for some that is easier than for others.
Edited 10 years ago
People don't know what the real problem is 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah it's important and children should be taught about it in schools. My point was that people keep saying "oh no one talks about it" "you need to eat healthy or you'll die!" ALL. THE. TIME. like people don't know. Like it's any of your damn business. Teach your kids good habits and voice your concerns to your overweight family members if you have them. It isn't your job to fix other people and it's rather insulting to assume that they have no idea what is going on with their body. You aren't my mother, my boyfriend, or my doctor so my health in none of your concern and I am not breaking any laws. I am overweight, I have been most of my life. But my blood pressure is exactly what it should be, I am not a diabetic, I have no heart problems, I am an asthmatic but that has been going on my whole life and was not caused by my weight. It does make it harder to lose weight though. Will I develop problems later if I never get it under control? Probably. Am I in any immediate danger? No.
People don't know what the real problem is 19 comments
· 10 years ago
OOOHHH MYY GODD. REALLY?! NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT?!?! Because I'm pretty sure I've had the healthy eating sermon jammed down my throat since second grade BY MY PUBLIC SCHOOL. If you want to rattle off about it like everyone else that's fine, but don't act like NO ONE talks about it because that is blatantly untrue. I can't go anywhere on the internet without seeing somebody get up on the soap box about it! Oh so you're telling me I could get diabetes from poor diet? No way! I had no fuckin clue! Oh and being overweight can ALSO lead to heart disease? Wow! Now I guess all my deep seated insecurities will just vanish and I'll eat a perfect diet! Thank you random internet user with no tangible credibility for telling me what my doctor has been saying for years! I'm cured now! But please don't stop shoving it in my face like I'm some imbecile with short term memory loss, fatties need to be reminded every 6 seconds about their health issues and you're the one who needs to do it!
Diary of Being a man 16 comments
Beach vault? 10 comments
Skeleton hell 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Exactly what I was thinking, this is meant to be funny, don't ruin it.
When white girls finally try black coffee 12 comments
When white girls finally try black coffee 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh and if you want coffee that's good enough to drink black try Coffee Fool you can order it from their website, A. Joy Island is my favorite. (:
When white girls finally try black coffee 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I am also a white girl and I had black coffee this morning. Black coffee is great as long as its a good quality coffee.
100+ year difference 18 comments
100+ year difference 18 comments
Just don't make the scented markers.. 3 comments
Tooth fairies have a good customer service 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Not a very ethical company if they send the corpses of their employees to children :b
Life is cruel 6 comments
· 10 years ago
That's an awful lot of hate for a guy who just makes funny/informative posts on the internet, you act like he lit your kitten on fire. /:
Any twins out there? 16 comments
· 10 years ago
You must do this then. Do it for all the people who do not have twins to do this to.
A very special kitten 40 comments
That look 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I have a pet crevecour chicken who is always sitting on my shoulder and whenever I sneeze or laugh too abruptly she gets her eye real close to my eye and just stares like she's sick of my shit and dares me to startle her like that again. XD
Im not falling for that 8 comments
Chicken in the garage (not mine) 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually occasionally feeding them diced hard-boiled egg as a treat is a good source of protein and they love it. As long as it is thoroughly cooked and mashed up they won't equate it to their own fresh eggs.
Chicken in the garage (not mine) 9 comments