Wolololo 8 comments
· 6 years ago
The more you know!
bed 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Immediately begin T-posing to assert your dominance over the chocolate milk
Or when you reach front 3 comments
Something you may enjoy (just another s**tpost) 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm assuming the one on the right is the transgender woman. If so, she is gorgeous! I wonder what she looked like as a man to be that beautiful. She just has the cutest smile and lovely hair. Jealous!
Edited 6 years ago
home alone 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Why would you feel bad? You saved lots of innocent people from a inconvenient, inconsiderate, and scary crime.
How to properly watch the Star Wars films 11 comments
Hasn't worked yet, still have 4 hours left 2 comments
· 6 years ago
That can't be true because your heart would be beating completely irregularly
Oh, So That's How You Spell It 7 comments
· 6 years ago
I will never forget the day my waitress' name was Katie, spelled K-A-Y-T-E-I-G-H. I felt my soul try to flee my body in that split second I glanced at her name tag. I felt so bad for her that I tipped her 10 on a $20 tab. I hope you're doing well out there, Kayteigh.
Edited 6 years ago
Well said 12 comments
· 6 years ago
I think what he does is intriguing. I like how he's started drifting away from social norms and does what makes him happy!
Rape is hilarious 23 comments
· 6 years ago
Thank you dearly for your loveliness and acceptance. It has been a strange, painful, yet wonderful journey through life and I now know that I am not destined to leave this world by my own hand. I tried once but failed, and I am so glad! I love being alive! I love the world! I'm so fucking happy!
Thank you dearly for your loveliness and acceptance. It has been a strange, painful, yet wonderful journey through life and I now know that I am not destined to leave this world by my own hand. I tried once but failed, and I am so glad! I love being alive! I love the world! I'm so fucking happy!
Or, even worse, shoulders 6 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm a girl and I can kind of understand the midriff one. I have had the same experiences, which helps because I'm a lesbian. But otherwise, the dress code in most school's is targeted 90% at women and it's laughably sexist.
Rape is hilarious 23 comments
· 6 years ago
Now I'm not exactly sure why I'm telling you this. I want to get my story out I guess. I want to prove to you that women are raped and it doesn't go reported. I can't report my rape. It was years ago. I don't remember his face. I don't know their last name. I don't have any real information besides the apartment they lived in for a few years and the fact that the father, my rapist, was a heavy drug user and sniffed paint. That's why his apartment smelled the way it did. I found that out later. Maybe this story won't affect you at all. Maybe I'm wasting my time. I don't know. I just wanted to get if off my chest. I know you have a young daughter, @mrscollector. Raise her to be a feminist. Raise her to understand that her body is her own, and no one else's. Raise her to love herself and others. Raise her to speak up. It's too late for four year old me, but not for your daughter. Understand that.
Edited 6 years ago
Rape is hilarious 23 comments
· 6 years ago
Okay, @mrscollector, first of all, it's "raped", not "rapped". It was getting on my nerves. I apologize but I had to say that. {I am also a feminist, but that's a long story for another comment section}
Second of all, according to RAINN, the national website for rape, incest, and sexual abuse, women are raped more often than men, especially from the ages 15-35. That is a FACT.
(((However, that does NOT mean:
1. Men are not raped
2. Men cannot be raped.)))
I am a complete and total believer in the fact that women and men should speak up, speak out, and say something when they're uncomfortable. It is extremely important that rape is reported. It is uncomfortable. It is painful. But speaking up that you were raped will set you free!
I'm going to tell a personal story here. I'm a girl, by the way. When I was very young, my best friend's dad, who lived in the apartment below us, raped me while his son slept next to us. I don't remember very much due to the trauma.
Second of all, according to RAINN, the national website for rape, incest, and sexual abuse, women are raped more often than men, especially from the ages 15-35. That is a FACT.
(((However, that does NOT mean:
1. Men are not raped
2. Men cannot be raped.)))
I am a complete and total believer in the fact that women and men should speak up, speak out, and say something when they're uncomfortable. It is extremely important that rape is reported. It is uncomfortable. It is painful. But speaking up that you were raped will set you free!
I'm going to tell a personal story here. I'm a girl, by the way. When I was very young, my best friend's dad, who lived in the apartment below us, raped me while his son slept next to us. I don't remember very much due to the trauma.
Wolololo 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I suddenly have the urge to go on MySpace and dye my hair purple with raccoon stripes.
Every damn time 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Every time I try to explain to people why cats don't like something, or that they're not horrible assholes, I get downvoted. Thanks.
I know what I'm getting this year 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Just by a nice fleece if you're that cold. Or gain some weight. Don't risk your health and safety with this ridiculous fire hazard.
The sad reality of it 3 comments
· 6 years ago
They're talking about making THREE MORE SEQUELS to the Fantastic Beasts movie series. We didn't even need a fucking sequel in the first place. The first goddamn movie wasn't even that good! No one wanted a sequel! It didn't deserve a sequel! Just put the Harry Potter series to rest and let it die. It did its job. It made millions of people happy. Harry Potter deserves more than being a half-assed, cash-grab spinoff series just so J.K.Rowling can get even richer and make up more stupid fan theories. If you can't tell, I'm very passionate about this
This Christmas was weird 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Mine was the exact same way! It didn't feel even remotely like Christmas. I heard Christmas music only twice during the entire month of December. We didn't put our tree up until Christmas Day. Only one house on our street had decorations when it's usually all of them. The weather was damp and in the mid forties. Just a weird non-Christmas and it made me really depressed.