Still better than no pulp 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Fucking aloe drinks. They're good but everytime I feel the pulp in my mouth it makes me want to throw up.
Family Guy knows how to do it 27 comments
· 8 years ago
It was YEARS ago. I'm not doing it anymore like I said it's been about 8 years since I have. And that's kind of exactly it but I mean no one knew besides my best friend and I didn't just show it off.
Family Guy knows how to do it 27 comments
· 8 years ago
I used to cut myself, side to side. I didn't do it for attention I mean I wore 5 bracelets and long sleeves all the time and whenever someone would ask why wear long sleeves in the summer time I would just answer "Because I like to I don't get hot really so I'm fine." It wasn't until I was older and drunk, I was like 14ish ,that I bawled to my sister and showed her everything and that was a cry for help because I couldn't stop myself anymore and I moved in with her. And now I've been clean from it for like 8ish years. Moral of it is sometimes people don't do it for attention they do it because they feel numb and cutting seems like a logical thing to do to feel something.
Edited 8 years ago
Family Guy knows how to do it 27 comments
· 8 years ago
American kids. Also I think it has to do with hitting the vein and bleeding to death because not a lot can be done once you cut a vein like that.
Edited 8 years ago
This happened when you use pepper spray on someone holding a flare 18 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm not saying he did it on purpose I'm saying he should've been trained and known better.
This happened when you use pepper spray on someone holding a flare 18 comments
· 8 years ago
True on the first part about the man. But you're telling me that in police training they don't say "Hey don't use this around open flames,"???
This happened when you use pepper spray on someone holding a flare 18 comments
· 8 years ago
The cop should be charged. He should've known what was going to happen and if the man is still alive he should be charged as well.
Look at the doctor's face 28 comments
· 8 years ago
I've actually watched my 600 pound life. It can be pretty sad. I mean there's people who just like to eat and then there's people who used food as a coping mechanism and then just couldn't stop, but why degrade then when most of them make a concious effort to change themselves and that's why they're on this show.
Look at the doctor's face 28 comments
This is the rest of the world's reaction to our American politics. 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Every country has its idiots, not to sound mean but a lot of Americans view the UK the same way.
RAWR 21 comments
· 8 years ago
Just dress tour child however and still have a gender for it until the child grows up and says "Hey, I don't feel like/want to be x instead I want to be y." But not to sound insensitive it could be a phase my best friend swore up and down she was a boy and my family was taking care of her during that time and we let her dress how she wanted,act how she wanted, we used different pronouns although she didn't make us. It went in for about a year in a half and one month I noticed she was dressing very girly and doing more feminine things and I asked what was up and she told me she didn't feel like a boy anymore she felt like a girl and wanted to be a girl granted a tomboy but still a girl.
Ignore the title 12 comments
Is it just me? 21 comments
· 8 years ago
How edgy but I literally don't give a shit about the books.
(To guest)
Edited 8 years ago
(To guest)
It's not a joke guys, this is threatening. 140 comments
· 8 years ago
If he actually helps EVERYONE, not just letting the rich get richer but helping the poor and homeless and making healthcare a lot better. If he actually does some good. Then I will be shocked and will personally shake his hand, no I don't want to touch him, I'll say cool with a thumbs up to him.
It's not a joke guys, this is threatening. 140 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh yes Obama. Who other countries leaders don't despise like the do Trump. Trump is banned from ever entering England. Obama who throughout the 8 years he was in office tried to make more allies with countries that don't particularly like us because he wanted peace among the two. Obama who while Trump was making fun of a disabled reporter was feeding homeless veterans and has tried to pass bills to help the same homeless veterans but the Republican party in Congress turned down every single one. That Obama?
Why Americans are surprised by the rise of Donald Trump? 32 comments
· 8 years ago
The funny thing is I have actually watched his addresses and debates so I have done my research? He's still a bigot no matter how you slice it. And it's not one person? It's the fact that so many people agree with him when he goes against everything America was founded on. And also maybe because it cost money to move between the airplane cost, becoming a citizen, finding a home, being able to support yourself until you get a job thats a lot of money I don't have.
Why Americans are surprised by the rise of Donald Trump? 32 comments
· 8 years ago
Trump is everything I was taught to stand against a loud mouthed hateful bigot who exiles people because of religion, race, and class. I was taught "everyone is free to follow whichever religion they choose," not everyone is free to follow the religion I think is right. I was taught to speak up against people like him and now I'm seeing the same generation that taught me that go against everything they told me. America really sucks right now and I have no money to get out.