I can confirm goose are doucebags 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I can confirm goose are doucebags 13 comments
Damage comparison from different sized bullets 39 comments
I can confirm goose are doucebags 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I've always been terrified of geese. When I was 19 me and my best friend took my nephew and sister to the duck pond in the park to feed the geese and I forgot how scared I was of them until I got out of the car and all these geese started to surround me because I had bread. I had a panic attack, threw the bread, and ran to the car and sat in there for 15 minutes while everyone else fed them.
Evolution or design? 26 comments
· 8 years ago
I didn't do it on purpose. I wanted to go swimming with them and the next thing I know they're at the bottom of the pool.
Don't be ignorant. Please. 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Do you know how much logic you make "Let's call these people degrading names so they can be healthier." Like that actually helps at all. It's like telling a suicidal person to go kill themselves. It's not going to help one bit.
Don't be ignorant. Please. 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Okay but no one is going to take health tips from people call them disgusting or sea cows. It can either have two effects and that's have them eat their feelings because it's a coping method which would cause them to gain more weight or not eat ever causing them to become anorexic and if you think that's a better option please sit on a spiked pole. There no reason to call someone disgusting or a cow if you truly cared for them and their health the way to say you do after you call them these names then you wouldn't call them names and you would find a better way to help them and show your concern besides being lord of the fucking trash can.
Evolution or design? 26 comments
· 8 years ago
I hate pugs they're ugly and they serve no real purpose. Did you know they can't swim and sink to the bottom? because I didn't until I almost drowned my step mom's pugs.
It's gonna hurt 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Could you imagine doing the borders of every state that's unneeded time and pain to go through if she's visited all of the lower 48 states she can just to what she did and colors the whole thing in.
It's gonna hurt 18 comments
· 8 years ago
The military considers it overseas though and Alaska is WAY different than the lower 48, trust me. Maybe with the USA she's filling in every state she's been too.
In response to RuinedEffect's post, don't worry about it anymore. 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually still worry about it only the people from return of kings aren't going but they still encourage men to go in private groups so be vigilante and bring and form of weapon you have if you absolutely have to go out and maybe bring a few male friends along just in case usually attacks don't happen when a man is present.
· 8 years ago
The major guys aren't going anymore, they canceled the meet ups but still encourage anyone to do just for the sake of it. Idk something about couldn't guarantee their safety because a lot of people were threatening them, which no shit sherlock you're gonna get your ass handed to you advocating something like that but men are still going and meeting up so be extra cautious maybe don't even go out especially if you're a women. There's one here where I live and it's already in a pretty dangerous part of town.
so guys dont use toothbrush? at least this guy doesnt 23 comments
· 8 years ago
He's actually being sarcastic to show men who are actually like this how stupid they sound
I think this speaks for itself 23 comments
· 8 years ago
That's extra work. Fam, just drop an ice cube in it. I'm my experience it cools it down but doesn't make it taste to watery.
lel 9 comments
Bring me some vegetarians!! 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Stop picking on the vegetarian, what I did was a joke you're just being an ass.