

— strongsad Report User
Why Boomers don't take us seriously 6 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Whatever you want to believe chief. Lmao
Why Boomers don't take us seriously 6 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Triggered! Hahahahaha
????Grandma got munched on by a t-rex, walking home from Hogwarts Labor day...???? 2 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
A T-Rex wearing sneakers no less.
Guess we will all die 8 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
It just seems wrong somehow to put a child into a political/scientific melee. I was wondering if anyone had insight as to why she would be tapped as the voice of climate change outrage...but please, don't let me stop you from jumping to conclusions.
Thank you @xvarnah for a rational post.
Guess we will all die 8 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
What makes her qualified to comment on global warming? Is she somehow more educated on it that the average layman?
And why isn't she in India or China where pollution seems to be much more of a problem?
I admit I don't keep up with yelling children but it all seems pretty hokey to me. She seems to be a pawn for some kind of political nonsense.
Oof... 20 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Hey folks! It's all whole point was that we probably don't know the entire story and I was just thinking of a valid reason to have the stairs removed.
Oof... 20 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Not saying I agree with the decision to tear it down but it was probably because they are responsible for any injury sustained on the stairs and they need to have an insured and bonded contractor build them.
If some Yahoo built the stairs wrong and resulted in injuries who would be responsible?
I know it is fun to hate unions, it's all the rage to do so but I don't think you can blame the unions on this.
The real king! 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
And still has a master's degree in electrical engineering.
Not edgy or anything 14 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
I have had a different experience. I work hard and I am expected to take up the slack of my lazy co-workers. They do their job poorly and are in turn given the easier assignments. No attempts at re-educating them or holding them responsible for their performance.
Not edgy or anything 14 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Laziness and irresponsibility are rewarded and hard work is taken advantage of.
The 11 companies that own everything 12 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
That's double secret capitalism! We need communist socialism! Triggered!! Offended!! Trump's fault!!!!
Not complaining 2 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
She should have a chat with Brittany Morrow. Look her up if you're not familiar. Sobering story she has.
The world, according to aliens in movies 6 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Yeah, how dare we be primarily concerned with our own country. So selfish.
The 11 companies that own everything 12 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
This is downright silly. Coca-Cola owns Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Vanilla Coke...No shit.. I love how people try to stir up controversy out of nothing.
Oh-no! Heinz makes more than one food product!! Capitalism is sooo baddd!!!
Just casual Sunday family lunch 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
It's not a phase mom!
Caption this ! 3 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Let off some steam Bennet.
Modern problems require modern solutions 10 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Are we not going to talk about how adults...the "responsible" ones, are doing childish crap like this? The behaviors leading to this?
We as a society are so fucked. I have lost all faith and hope in our public and our government. It makes me so sad.
Teeph 1 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Fark! Fark! Fork!
Life in the US 7 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Really? What a short-sighted immature thing to say.
Life in the US 7 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
It's crazy... I've lived in America over 40 years and never got shot. None of my friends either. I even know people who own firearms and they never got shot or shot anyone. I owned guns and never shot anyone! Wowwee I must be some kind of anomaly.
Wolfs are cool 9 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
There wolf....there castle.
Elequid 8 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
What the hell. Is that arch made from? 3 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
Hate to be that guy, but they are not the same arch.
Which do you choose ? 5 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
The one on the right.
What the actual hell? This is true 2 comments
strongsad · 5 years ago
You've probably never seen a commercial for your local pizzeria either. Or any mom and pop store in your neighborhood. Commercials are expensive.