Duct tape would fix it 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Could that even be fixed?
The part of James we never see much of 9 comments
Who the hell eat like this?! 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Since I was a kid I've always scraped the cheese off, ate down to the crust then folded the cheese into the crust. I did it back then so the cheese would cool off but I can't eat a slice of pizza normally now. People always look at me like I just killed their cat.
Satellite image of tulip fields in Holland 7 comments
· 8 years ago
This reminds me of the scrambled Playboy channel we all used to try to focus years ago.
Encourage 25 comments
· 8 years ago
As a fatty myself I get very self conscious when people notice me at all. All I want to be is invisible. Even when someone is being encouraging my head twists it around to them being sarcastic. It's a terrible way to live.
Dyslexic goths 9 comments
· 8 years ago
They both wear red, same letters in their names, never in the same room at the same time...
This is just amazing 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Thank you kindly. Never played that game. Thought it had to do with the sims or something.
Only another view of Austria 8 comments
f*ck this guy in particular 1 comments
· 8 years ago
While I feel bad for the guy getting bopped on the head, I can watch this all day and chuckle.
Listen to your kids 63 comments
· 8 years ago
There is such a stigma attached with mental health issues. Too many people think that having one is a sign of weakness or being defective. I hope it changes someday soon and help is sought and offered to those that could use it.
Was it worth it? 5 comments
A ship and its captain 3 comments
· 8 years ago
You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to be in the ship, not on the ship.
When famous people were young 34 comments
I found a new place, moving next month! 7 comments
· 8 years ago
This is what I picture the start of the rainbow bridge is like. https://rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm
Pencil Drawn Animation 5 comments
I take a nice big sip 20 comments