Original senior picture 39 comments
· 11 years ago
There's the face in the sun, the magikarp, and the lion king in the back.
Justice or revenge? Who cares! 17 comments
· 11 years ago
The government shouldn't give two shits about it either way. Government should be for the betterment of society. Religion should be for the betterment of one's self.
Justice or revenge? Who cares! 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Alright, I kinda think all of marriage should be illegal. Now hear me out on this one. As far as I know marriage is an institute of church and I'm a firm believer in seperation of church and state. So maybe illegal isn't the word I'm looking for but the government shouldn't put as much stock in it. As far as tax purposes and child adoption if you wanna do that as a couple or as a group it should be filed as a civil union. I mean I know some people who live platonicaly and why shouldn't they be able to get more money on their taxes for it or you know get a kid if it floats their boat. And I'm not saying religion is bad, I'm not exactly atheist, but it shouldn't be used to oppress anyone, which unfortunately happens. If you want to commit yourself to someone and have a ceremony you should contact your local religion provider. And if they say no, as fucked up as it is, it is their right. And even if it hurts to do so maybe you should find people who are liked minded with you.
Did not expect that... 18 comments
Miss Universe costume category... wait for it... 38 comments
Google, no 19 comments
Miss Universe costume category... wait for it... 38 comments
When I end up on "that" part of the internet 26 comments
Rejected by a dating wbesite 13 comments
Today's weather 40 comments
· 11 years ago
I live in so cal too but in the desert. So it actually gets cold here at night.
Princess Rainicorn 11 comments
Double standards...double standards everywhere. 31 comments
(By the way this guy looked like the spitting image of Flanders from the simpsons.)