
What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?

— 42 Report User
There is some great advice hiding in the walls of p*rnhub 5 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
The one night stand regret
There is some great advice hiding in the walls of p*rnhub 5 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I was the orgasm
Thats so sad and depressing 6 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Hey! Coal isn't bad! I need that for all the smelting! #alloresarebeautiful
God Damnit india 5 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
It doesn't matter how much junk they put up there back then. It's there now. That doesn't mean that another nation should just BLOW A FUCKING MISSILE IN Orbit because that's one of the stupidest things you can do. Like literally. The amount of untraceable junk that creates is enormous and a real danger for future space flights. They weren't thinking when they did this. Borderline sabotage.
She looks so happy 6 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Yes you do
I am so proud of this community 2 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Playing a game with hot stepsister - Anastasia Knight. Or so I've heard, I mean I wouldn't know
We don't deserve this man 13 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
And bees don't just last for a year before they melt away, they are living beings who thrive
I couldn't resist to buy this luxury watch 2 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Did you actually get one?
We don't deserve this man 13 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Did you mean bacteria? And yes we kill those too, even more than bees. But bacteria reproduce waaaaay faster than bees and they're small and literally everywhere which means they're not at risk at being extinct. The problem here is that bees pollinate most plants on earth which means if they die they take several thousands of other species with them. Humans might survive without them, but at a great loss and we would really have to fight for our own survival without their help.
bork 8 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
*insert "actually the sun is not a planet, it's a star" comment here*
Post title 10 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
"if you wanna call it that" hahaha, very true. But hey, at least they make awesome schnitzels
Finland strong 2 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I mean yeah. As a Swede I'll admit that Finns are bad ass
We've known since 1912 8 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
You can't compare ice ages or warming periods to global warming. Ice ages are mainly caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis. Same with warming periods. The weather we're experiencing is not due to a tilt of the axis. Also just because scientists in the past were wrong doesn't mean we shouldn't listen to todays scientists. That's what science is, you learn from your mistakes and if you're wrong you learn why and what the truth is. Sure I don't believe humans will be dead within 50 years if we keep using fossile fuels. However there will be a definite environmental change. One we're already seeing. Certain animals and plant species are dying because their environments are becoming more acidic due emissions. The polar caps are definitely melting, making the habitats for polar bears smaller. We won't burn to death, but we will be more crowded as water levels rise and starve as we kill off the crops and animals we feed on.
We've known since 1912 8 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I know it's just a YouTube video, but he cites all his sources so it's worth the watch.
Space mutiny 6 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Actually this never happened because the Earth is flat and thus you can't send a spacecraft in orbit
5 min into LSD and chill and it gives you this look 7 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
I wasn't serious. I don't care if you do drugs as long as you're not the murdering junkie kind. Also yes, Ross is very scary and she should NOT try drugs. That would be too much
5 min into LSD and chill and it gives you this look 7 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
*gasp* but LSD is illegaaaaal!
At last 2 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
1 · Edited 6 years ago
It's a shame he got wasted so quickly 14 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
He may not be a traditional sith, but he got force powers. Dark side force powers. Force powers were rare during and after the galactic empire and especially dark side force powers. He's a dick but not a weak dick that should've been killed off like a pleb.
No need for title 10 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
How is that nitpicking especially if you can say "wtf" to the entire 5 minutes that passed? That's not nitpicking. Nitpicking would be if you paused every frame and TRIED to find something wrong. With TLJ you don't have to try to find the shitty stuff, it's right there. I mean it's not exactly minor things that people are complaining about either. Sure there are some stuff but a lot of things is major shit. Like Leia using powerful force moves just like that, yhe oink woman who thinks it's a good idea to not tell her commanders that they got a plan and then act all smug when it turns out they did have a plan. The hyperspace jump destroying ships. Luke is not Luke. Ray still being a Mary Sue. The girl who stopped Fin from saving everyone and was like "oh no sacrifice we only need power of love". There was too much for it to be enjoyed at all and even worse as a Star Wars movie.
· Edited 6 years ago
No need for title 10 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
It's not really nitpicking when you can pause the movie every five minutes and be like "what was that all about?" And "what the hell?" And it should not be treated as a standalone because this is canon now. And it's not standalone. In that case they should have just made a new story after the old heroes. Or during the old republic or something.
It's a shame he got wasted so quickly 14 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
I wasn't talking about non-canon. Rule of two and all that shit is still canon. So yes, they should use the lore. And I'm not saying they should've told everyone immediately who he is I don't mind the mysterious sith. BUT to just kill him off like "eh he wasn't that important" is just such a slap in the face. To be portraied as a strong froce user similar to that of sidious and not even get a proper introduction. Keep him mysterious, sure, but then don't make him seem so unimportant and weak.
It's a shame he got wasted so quickly 14 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
So it's kind of a big deal when we know there was no major sith besides Sidious at the time of his death. So it makes sense that we would get to know who Snoke is, where he came from, how he became so strong with the force and why he is the leader of the first order. Another flaw with the Emperor argument is that we did get to know who he was. Even though it took a while we git the backstory. Now there's no excuse because Star Wars is bo longer in its infancy, it has a huge lore, even though a lot is no longer canon, there's still a lot. There's too much lore to just throw in a new Sith Lord or other dark side user and not get an awesome explanation about where he came from and how he stayed hidden.
It's a shame he got wasted so quickly 14 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
TLJ was the worst Star Wars movie ever. Not because of muh feminism or females or whatever bullcrap, it had no cohesive plot, too many plotholes, faulty in-universe logic, stupid characters all around, Luke was wasted, not a single setup from TFA was used but rather shot down and just "nah lol whatever". And the Emperor argument to Snoke is stupid. When the first Star Wars came out it was new, we knew nothing, it was part of a mystery. Now however we know a lot! For example we know about the rule of two. We know Sidious was one of the most powerful sith lords in a long time and that he had no other apprentice besides Darth Vader before his death. I mean he tried to win Luke over because he knew he would be more powerful than Vader and the entry test was basically "kill your father so that we won't be more than two". And if you bring up the inquisitors, they're not sith. They're assassins with some knowledge of the dark side. It's like calling a militia infantryman a full fledged knight