Get 'em Eustace 4 comments
· 5 years ago
No need for title 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Because Rogue One followed the logic of the previous movies. The Force Awakens tried, but The Last Jedi just went "whatever, this is my movie I'll do what I want".
Apex is better than fortnite 11 comments
· 5 years ago
Wel then it's not big deal. However I was a bit sceptical after battlefield v and that fiasco
These People... 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm sorry that I'm socially awkward and have a hard time responding spontaneously when I'm not expecting
Apex is better than fortnite 11 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't mind them having back stories or the fact that they're LGBTQ. For example, I love tf2, buncha guys shooting each other, but the characters and their stories makes it better. I don't know how they announced this, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in a "oh and btw theyre LGBTQ". That's usually how it is with publishers lile EA. They tell instead of show in order to look forward thinking and accepting. Like bitch, make a game where everyone is gay and trans, I don't care. But don't sell it to me and act like that's reason enough to buy it. Make a good game, gameplay that feels good and either integrate the characters personalities in the story and interactions. Make them seem natural and not forced. If there's no story gameplay wise, make it through interactions and comments. Or make short videos on character backstory that you publish (like tf2). But honestly at this point, going out and saying stuff like "we have LGBTQ" just because is ridiculous.
Just give him a f*cking slice! 3 comments
Day 6 4 comments
Day 7 (Why do these comics scare people???) 11 comments
Where's everyone? 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Tf2 is too good for this problem. Regular updates (until now) might also have helped
Who names their kid 3 shots of tequila? 11 comments
title 6 comments
· 6 years ago
You guys must know about the centaurians that live in Paradise, Calinfornia! The truth is out there!
The Eyes Say He's Ready To Pounce 1 comments
· 6 years ago
Sometimes my cat lies in his litter box. Even rolls around in it. Luckily he's mostly outside so there's rarely any litter in it.
I want to go to MéXico 2 comments
My goodness. . . The hypocrisy... The hubris 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I disagree. There's a difference between gay clubs directed towards a certain sex (and the guys who force themselves into lesbian bars are admittedly assholes) and a male free "feminist" festival. You're excluding someone because they have a certain thing between their legs. If it was a "caucasian only festival" it would have been an uproar. Sadly, if it was a "black only festival" no one would care. It's a typical case of double standards. Also if it was a male only feminist festival (which actually would make just as much sense because males also have problems in our modern society, but still not justified) and some women would try get in and succeeded they would be "standing up for their rights" or something similar. A more appropriate name aould have been "female oriented" or "female focused" festival, since men actually could enter. Don't buy into everything vänsterpartister says.