Biggest scam ever 18 comments
· 6 years ago
I think the point is that there shouldn't be a pet fee
Hello there 7 comments
Defective odd Ape 18 comments
Wendy's art 5 comments
· 6 years ago
You better show ot to me and you better tweet it or share it in some way to GameGrumps
Super human runner 15 comments
· 6 years ago
Not that weird considering running was a much bigger part of human life 20 000 years ago than it is today.
It was only a joke 1 comments
· 6 years ago
They're in a debate group and get mad when someone just mentions the opposite of their thoughts... sounds more like a circle jerk
Checkmate rounders 4 comments
· 6 years ago
No! No! No! You can't use physics 101, they don't understand concepts like logic.
This image is like an illusion 5 comments
At least you get half a can of soda 15 comments
· 6 years ago
Honestly the entire row you're sitting in shouldn't have to get up just so the guy by the window can go to the bathroom.
I'm not picky 10 comments
· 6 years ago
I suppose that only applies to straight men. Because it doesn't really make sense to tell a gay person "You'd probably all be happier if you focused more on who people are rather than what genitals they have". Sexuality doesn't work that way. It's not something you decide. You can appreciate someone for their personality, but that doesn't mean you're attracted to them.
Wise chivalrous Cobra 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Where's the logic in putting commercials in something you pay for? You pay so you DON'T get commercials.
Trench gun best gun 1 comments
· 6 years ago
Actually by the time the U.S. joined both sides had relaized that bayonets were immensly impractical. You only used them in trenches where you had your movement restricted, yet you still had to wield a long, impractical rifle around to do anything with it. It was also very easy for it ro get stuck in a ribcage, making you vulnerable for a few seconds while you push your impaled enemy away with your foot. Instead they started making their own, mlre practical weapons. For instance the germans took their feldspaten (spades used to dig trenches with) and sharpened one end, turning it into an axe. That way you cut the enemy in the neck, severing an artery, it doesnt get stuck and they quickly eed to death. That way they weren't exposed for too long and could quickly mkve from one enemy to another. Others used clubbs, picks or knives made from scrap metal.
TL;DR: bayonets were impractical and it was much more efficient to fight with a sharpened spade or knife or similar.
TL;DR: bayonets were impractical and it was much more efficient to fight with a sharpened spade or knife or similar.
Bill Gate's Youtube is filled with optimistic videos that don't get enough attention 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Uhm, the mininally invase free capitalistic society is just... not right. That's exactly what they had in Britain at the beginning and middle of the industrial revolution. The companies had almost unlimited freedom, there were no government involvement. What they thought that would do was that the poor who worked hard would earn an honest wage and get a better life. What actually happened was that the poor got even poorer, the rich got even richer and unemployment rates skyrocketed. That's what pure capitalism does. The government was forced into taking action because the majority of the people were atarting to starve. That just shows that no system works in it's pure form, yet people like you think that capitalism is Gods gift even though it has also been proven brittle and imperfect.
The solution to all problems 2 comments