
What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?

— 42 Report User
Chargers 5 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Yes, which is not bad. USB-C is the next step in wired data transfering technology. Everyone will most logically be using USB-C in the future as it is superior to both micro USB and regular USB. We can't stay at the same step forever.
Mr. Zodiac meet Mr. Android 3 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
You know shit's real when the lizards start attacking each other
Anon talks about bridges 9 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
The Roman Empire stretched all the way to Spain... so still roman bridge
Proof that women are meant to be naked 31 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Alright we'll stop
Proof that women are meant to be naked 31 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Honestly if it's conesntual I don't think it matters, legally. But you shouldn't send nudes to strangers in any case
Proof that women are meant to be naked 31 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Very innocent and very smol
Proof that women are meant to be naked 31 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
No, I'm an innocent little boy
Proof that women are meant to be naked 31 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
If you show us we can tell you that you look perfect
If you ever wondered what a light bulb of a soccer stadium floodlight looks like 13 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Pressure shmessure... pussy up you ego of a man
If you ever wondered what a light bulb of a soccer stadium floodlight looks like 13 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Looks a lot like a vacuum tube
Israel is building one of the bigest solar powerplants in the world in negev desert 7 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Well considering that helios one is already a real building and that this system is based on the same technology it should remind you.
Anon is in gym 2 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
What kind of fucked up society do you got where you're not allowed to go to the bathroom? Seriously?
Well then 21 comments
stream_42 · 6 years ago
Star Wars 4 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
I don't want this to sound negative, I'm just curious, but source?
Now that's what I call high quality H2O 8 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
Not really, groundwater is drinkable in most areas.
Lost in foam 10 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
Lost in foam 10 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
Lost in foam 10 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
Even if you don't like it 14 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
Two of those were the result of fundamentalist catholics. But either way in science we don't say that something is the avsolute truth. We know that we're not always right and are willing to change our minds and theory when new data is presented. That's the difference between science and religion.
· Edited 7 years ago
The guys AWESOME!! 2 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
I love Elon. He's successful, caring and has a sense of humour.
It must have happened before 5 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
I know what I'm gonna do before my next appointment
Where are these girls? I need them! 10 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
Hello ladies. Well actually I try to express myself with correct grammar.
They need to teach history 17 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
Well really it was Austria-Hungary fucking Serbia and Germany was worried Russia would attack A-H so they had to send troops and fight off Russia before a theoretical mobilization. But Russia was allied with France so in order to defeat Russia they would have to beat France too. Therefore they decided to go through Belgium to reach Paris, but Belgium was under Britains protection. Though tensions were high on all sides and the war would probably have broken out either way. It was partially a "we're better" war, but both sides were just as guilty. I salute ww1 german soldiers because in my eyes they were the most effective and disciplined ones in general.
They need to teach history 17 comments
stream_42 · 7 years ago
I can understand ww2, but ww1 German soldiers were neither the bad guys nor on the "wrong" side.