Romania's largest bell 9 comments
· 7 years ago
People used to die from polio and the flu for thousands of years. Does that mean we shouldn't have fought for better medicin?
Popcorns anyone? 5 comments
· 7 years ago
It's so ironic. When we talk taxes it's "their hard earned money" but when it's a guy trying to improve society it's "other people's money and tax exemption". Make up your minds.
Note that I don't think Musk is anywhere near perfect, but he's damn sure a hell of a lot better than the majority.
Edited 7 years ago
Note that I don't think Musk is anywhere near perfect, but he's damn sure a hell of a lot better than the majority.
I'm guilty of this 59 comments
· 7 years ago
You really don't have a right to say how he keeps going out of spite when that's exactly what you're doing right now. Hypocrisy tends to undermine the message. When it comes to this matter it might not have happened but your comment about feminazis being made up by 4chan is just bullshit. Sure, feminazis aren't that common but they sure as hell do exist. I've met a few myself and some go by this cpr logic. We're not trying to vicrimize men but we don't want idiots to attack us with flawed logic either.
I'm guilty of this 59 comments
· 7 years ago
You're forgetting that there have been women who have sued their saviour because "they didn't give consent". These statements and statistics are not just men trying to be victims, it's because it has actually happened and not some theoretical bullshit.
Gun control in Japan 71 comments
· 7 years ago
Guest is right about the manufacturing part though. Most ingredients for meth can be legally acquired while some are regulated but still accessible. To make a gun you need sophisticated machines and expensive materials. Guns made on an illegal market would be much less reliable and would cost a lot more since they're made by hand. Also: comparing murder and prostitution, services/deeds, to a product makes no sense.
Gun control in Japan 71 comments
· 7 years ago
However allowing guns to be sold commercially creates a market within the country and thus it's easier to transport weapons in to and inside of the country. Just because criminals get guns from the black market doesn't mean those guns were manufactured illegally or even delivered illegally. The legal market enables the illegal market.
Seriously. 52 comments
· 7 years ago
It's still very weird how it is laid out. The parties can basically decide who will win by gerrymandering. It's also really weird how if 51% of one state votes for candidate x then he gets all the votes. It makes no sense. Those 49% basocally don't count in that case and you might as well have voted for the other party. The electoral college also makes it so that a person living in a smaller state has more impact on the election than one living in a smaller one. Even though you are divided in states you are still one country.
Edited 7 years ago
Seriously. 52 comments
· 7 years ago
I never understand the "top 10 boggest states". It's not like everyone in a state votes for the same person. You're basically dimimishing their vote because they happen to live in a bigger state. It doesn't make sense when you're voting for one person like a president.
I have 2 Michaels. This is the scary one. Smh. 10 comments
Sniper shoots gun out of perps hand instead of killing him 11 comments
· 7 years ago
I read up on it: thr shot was a tactical choice made by professionals who saw no other way to get out of the situation without anyone getting hurt.
Halloween pickup line 5 comments
Can anyone? 12 comments
· 7 years ago
I've always been a creep, I'm just mostly busy browsing through ALL of the all posts so I get stuck in the past.
Can anyone? 12 comments
Grow you own electricity 16 comments
Grow you own electricity 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Just because our countries are small doesn't mean the way they work can't be applied to bigger countries, that's just a stupid argument since it's mkre about per capita than raw capita. Also bith the great depression and the bank crash of 2008 were caused by the US flawed capitalist/banking system. Capitalism isn't bad, it's way better than communism in most regards, but in it's pureat form it doesn't care about anyone except the rich elite.
Physics breaking parkour 7 comments