That escalated quickly 230 comments
· 7 years ago
Silvermyth and you
Humans almost became extinct 34 comments
· 7 years ago
The first forms of life were bacteria like. If you know anything about bacteria you know they don't need genetic variety to reproduce as they simply divide. Genetic mutations led to new species (or there light even have been several sources of different life). I do not see a problem with the genetic diversity in that.
That escalated quickly 230 comments
Thousand yard stare 16 comments
That escalated quickly 230 comments
That escalated quickly 230 comments
· 7 years ago
What... uh. Sure. Loose connective tissue, some hemoglobine, 7 meter string and a sheep.
Edited 7 years ago
Well, well, well 59 comments
Well, well, well 59 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't see how I do. You simply fail to accept the points I've made. I'm not gaining anything from this conversation since you're not giving any counter proof and therefore I am done. I would not see this as your victory given that I leave due to lack of evidence from your side. You have failed to convince me and I have failed to convince you. No one goes out of this a winner. I say this because I know that your "arguments" would have otherwise been "you left because you'require wrong and can't present facts" since this is not the case I'm already disqualifying that statement.
Well, well, well 59 comments
· 7 years ago
You want evidence and then explain how all evidence is just nitpicking? Without presenting any evidence of your own?
You tried, you really did. Wait... no you didn't.
You tried, you really did. Wait... no you didn't.
Well, well, well 59 comments
· 7 years ago
You're gonna pull the "all politicians lie" card? He lies more than most do. And the misinformation just shows that he isn't very educated on the topic. And what I mean with my media is that by law they have to represent the truth. As soon as there is a false claim not only the people will be on them but the authorities too. Unlike CNN and Fox news that lie daily. I gave you proof and you shook it off.
Well, well, well 59 comments
· 7 years ago
Devoid of facts and opinions? You must be pretty blind not to see the facts. What I mean with highly educated is that where I'm from we're taught how to recognize the legitimacy of sources. I'm also exposed to a trouthful media that's almost 100% correct about its news.
Your arguments so far haven't been much better, you brainwashed sheep.
Devoid of facts and opinions? You must be pretty blind not to see the facts. What I mean with highly educated is that where I'm from we're taught how to recognize the legitimacy of sources. I'm also exposed to a trouthful media that's almost 100% correct about its news.
Your arguments so far haven't been much better, you brainwashed sheep.
Well, well, well 59 comments
· 7 years ago
You're the one telling lies and going against the majority. I think that burden lies on you
Random swedish facts 66 comments
Well, well, well 59 comments
· 7 years ago
And the same can be said about you guys. It's always fun to see how narrow minded you are. I haven't gotten any facts myself. Why am I the one who have to show facts? Also I don't see how I'm an elitist nor a hypocrite. Please do inform me so that I can learn from my mistakes.
Well, well, well 59 comments
· 7 years ago
I love with my parents because I'm 17. I tried to think positively about Trump, then he signed the executive order to build the wall and ban the 7 middle east countries. If I do say so myself I'm quite intelligent. What I meant with education is that I'm exposed to reliable media sources while also knowing the importance of judging the credibility of given sources. It's you if anyone who is holding on to a twisted reality, you who believe Trumps alternative facts. You must be able to see that everything you say can be turned against you, right? There's an equal chance that you are the one who is being narrow minded and holding on to only the positive things.
Well, well, well 59 comments
· 7 years ago
You do know the same can be said about you too, right? I'm not pro hillary if that's what you think. I happen to be a highly educated dindividual living with highly educated parents in a highly educated society. I'm pretty sure I know what's up.