
What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?

— 42 Report User
Funny cuz it’s true 27 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
Why do you perpetuate the myth that mail by voting is somehow more susceptible to fraud? There's no studies that show that to be true? Trump hasn't come up with any evidence, he only spews it out with his word salads. It's a lie. It's factually untrue. And I'm sorry, it's not "fake facts" just because you disagree with it. That's not how it works sadly.
Also with the USPS thing. As I understand it a reason it currently is underperforming is because the new guy in charge, one of Trump friends (don't recall his name), eliminated over time which is, by the very least, one of the reasons they're having problems.
And even if there was a problem with voter fraud, shouldn't it be a priority to fix that so that people can vote safely? Wouldn't it be better if as many people as possible voted? Rather than saying it's a problem and offering no alternative solution even as polling sites are being closed? That doesn't really add up.
American police forces be like 7 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
Does that include impartial journalists who are only doing their job? Or maybe it's now illegal in the US to film protests in public areas? Or is it the police brutality that's illegal to film?
Greatest country on earth I tell ya 11 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
"Equivalent to 50 countries... No, no not those 50 countries because that wouldn't coincide with my point"
Even if it's just the tip 24 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
We want to like it, but are we supposed to just shut up and not criticise the flaws we find just because it's Star Wars? Or just because it's a female lead? No. Fuck that. Dismissing us as "haters" is such an ignorant and childish thing to do. People aren't just crying out "this is bad, me no like", they're either saying why they think it's bad and/or are giving constructive criticism. You don't have to agree with my points on the movie, but at least stop calling us haters.
Even if it's just the tip 24 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
But the way they decided to do it just feels cheap. It could've been done better. And I don't mean in the way that anything can be done better, I mean it wouldn't have been that hard to make it better. I mean it feels more like a cheap fanfiction more than anything. And that gets back to the characters. Yeah sure people change and don't turn out the way we expect. I'm fine with most of the old cast but Luke is seriously a major fuck up. I mean seriously, I hardly think he would become a hermit because some of his students turned to the dark side. And the part where he contemplates killing Kylo? The man who saw the good in Darth Vader despite all his evil deeds? Thinks it's a good idea to murder a child because he MIGHT turn to the dark side? That just feels wrong and out of character. I'm not gonna pretend these movies are good just because it's Star Wars. And it's not just "haters" who don't like it. The people speaking out against it are fans who feel disappointed and betrayed.
Even if it's just the tip 24 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
Sure I know that the Star Wars galaxy is filled with conflict and I'm okay with that. That's what you expect from it. That's what I want. But I find the story arch they implemented very flawed and bland. I didn't expect it to be rainbows and daises. You're completely misinterpreting what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that they could've made the conflict so much better in the new trilogy. Maybe show the war between the remnants of the empire and how the new Republic has to fight to implement itself. Or show a new threat. Maybe a new mandalorian war, or the Yuuzhan Vong invation. Hell even keep the first order but maybe don't make the whole Hoth thing over again but in reverse? And maybe skip the 2 hour long space bombardment that they can't escape because hyperspace tracking but then they use a smaller ship and still go to hyperspace without getting noticed? Like the general story is fine, first order badies, cool.
Even if it's just the tip 24 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
Except it was I'll received. At least by the Star Wars community. Not a loud minority. It's a visually stunning movie but it fucks too much up to be good. It's a shitty story with giant plot holes and a bad structure. The entire trilogy doesn't try something new, like the prequels did, but falls back on the originals. The new characters are bland and stupid, I wouldn't mind Rey being so OP if it was better implemented, but it wasn't. The old characters are not themselves, especially not Luke. Honestly they fucked him up so much and that's part of why the entire story is so bad. It doesn't implement anything new, the plot is stupid, and it felt more like a cheap Chinese knock off. And that stupid hyperspace ramming is probably the most ignorant thing you could put on screen from an in-universe perspective. It all adds up to a mediocre movie and a really bad Star Wars movie. They should've let the expanded universe remain canon and Disney should never have gotten the rights.
Packing heat 3 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
Nope, the Swedish word for police is polis
According to my highly sophisticated research *cough cough* they're from the Netherlands
1 · Edited 4 years ago
YES. Let's do this. 54 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
It feels awesome when you get good and comfortable with it
YES. Let's do this. 54 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
I started working out more frequently and think I actually managed to make my shoulders grow even though I've been plateauing for a while. I've also managed to do a few new flips and other cool tricks at my parkour training.
Good times 3 comments
stream_42 · 4 years ago
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei = National socialist German workers party
A strain of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa that became resistant to all man-made 16 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I'm intrigued, which scientific reports have you read that actually say "the earth will be a boiling pot in 10 years and everything will be dead by then?" because I'm pretty sure that most, at least of the serious reports, state that we might not even notice most of the effects of global warming within our lifetime. "Merely" that it's a problem that will accumulate sometime in the future and will drastically change the climate for the worse. And yes temperatures are increasing in some places, lowering in some and fluxuating in other, but the trend, accounting for readings since at least the 19th century, is going up. Besides CO2 isn't the only pollutant. Gasoline for example usually contains some amounts of sulfur that, when released into the environment, causes acidification that can have devestating effects on certain areas as plant and animal life usually are pH dependant. CO2 also decreases pH as it can mix with water and create carbonic acid. Heating is not the only problem.
God bless the people over at Lego 4 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Yes but the dinosaur goo in question is not oxidized and released into the atmosphere. So as long as it is disposed of in the proper way it will have little to no effect on the environment.
The blue colour sounds like maybe idea in TV show Breaking Bad, maybe not 11 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Yes I understand that, but I wasn't questioning that part. Wasn't the post implying that the blue tint did not in fact come from copper distillation in this P. M. case? But rather from something else? That was my question. Not general moonshine distillation and copper equipment.
The blue colour sounds like maybe idea in TV show Breaking Bad, maybe not 11 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
That doesn't answer my question?
The blue colour sounds like maybe idea in TV show Breaking Bad, maybe not 11 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I may misinterpret the "copper 'scale' phenomenon", but doesn't that mean that the blue tint did not in fact come from copper ions but rather something else?
Old school 3 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I'll probably sound like an asshole, but that sounds like a very naive romanticisation of how it actually was in the majority of the cases.
Hit a blunt. 5 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I may be wrong, but I believe it will be at the speed of sound of the material you're tugging at. So it depends.
He is the cure? 3 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Honestly if prayer and Christian devotion cured all of these I'm pretty sure every doctor would advocate for it.
He's not wrong 10 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
I'm not saying they don't exist, simply that they are not their own sex since its a genetic defect and not a human "feature". Of course they still exist and have worth as people. But in their case it becomes more of a question of gender rather than sex. Especially when they have both a penis and a vagina.
He's not wrong 10 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Except that's a form of syndrome, not a gender per se. All other forms of the XY chromosome composition are genetic diversions that are not "meant" to happen biologically speaking. You don't get a third form of sex that's unique, but rather some form in between that's usually sterile. Humans are genetically designed to either have a penis or vagina and all other forms, strictly biologically speaking, are defects. I feel like people didn't pay attention in school.
Makes total sense 5 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Fun fact: it's theorised that the scream he's doing is a force scream which stunns enemies in fear. Since he is such a powerful sith this could even affect trained jedis, which is why he managed to kill the first two so quickly and with ease.
Sometimes 2 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
For some reason I just imagine the dial up Internet sound in the last pic
He's not wrong 10 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Biologically speaking there's two. XX and XY, penis and vagina. So in this case it's correct. You're talking about gender.
Look at this dude 7 comments
stream_42 · 5 years ago
Yes I definitely believe that