Respect to this guy 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Not true... In a early song towards and ex girlfriend Marshall drops a few n bombs, which he later apologized about.
¿GUYS? 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Ok guys, after a few generally vague google searches I found it.... It's called amby and dexter. It's a few short films about a left hand that transforms into a young girl named amby, and a right hand that changes into a boy, dexter. A play on the word ambidextrous asthe cartoon details the two children completing tasks that would normally be done by ones hands
----- http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2fTy1SuzuFs
----- http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2fTy1SuzuFs
¿GUYS? 11 comments
· 9 years ago
It was a brief animated feature shown in between shows on Nickelodeon during the 90's. Never caught the title though
Trapped kid 10 comments
· 9 years ago
You should have a celebration when he... *puts on glasses and looks at imaginary camera*... comes out
My unpopular opinion 17 comments
· 9 years ago
The one on the left is a mobster.
The one on the right is a gangster.
You disrespect either one and will end up with the same result.
The one on the right is a gangster.
You disrespect either one and will end up with the same result.
Sore loser 13 comments
Still waiting... 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Ok kids so this is how it works; albeit there are exceptions to the rule which we shall refer to as unicorns cause unicorns are awesome and I apply when applicable.
The hot kids in school start doing it and end up with kids early.
The nerds get rich.
The socially awkward figure out who they are in college.
The cool kids try to hold on to their former glory before succumbing to average college life.
Some jocks make it some jocks don't.
That person that really hurt your feelings that one time gets their karma
Don't rush to grow up its not as much fun as your having right now.
You will grow into your looks just as some people will grow out of theirs.
Just be happy kids and everything'll be fine
The hot kids in school start doing it and end up with kids early.
The nerds get rich.
The socially awkward figure out who they are in college.
The cool kids try to hold on to their former glory before succumbing to average college life.
Some jocks make it some jocks don't.
That person that really hurt your feelings that one time gets their karma
Don't rush to grow up its not as much fun as your having right now.
You will grow into your looks just as some people will grow out of theirs.
Just be happy kids and everything'll be fine
Adults 7 comments
My brother who has probably never used a meme before sent me this 1 comments
· 10 years ago
He's a natural, possibly the one. *epic sigh and shoulder turn*
He'll bring us new memes to escape the onslaught of over use and inaccurate use of memes and zombie memes such as bad luck Brian and over attached gf or upopular opinion puff and that poser grumpy cat stealing garfields swag. Here presented before you is war cat to meme your photo editing ass off *humbly bows and shuffles away*
He'll bring us new memes to escape the onslaught of over use and inaccurate use of memes and zombie memes such as bad luck Brian and over attached gf or upopular opinion puff and that poser grumpy cat stealing garfields swag. Here presented before you is war cat to meme your photo editing ass off *humbly bows and shuffles away*
The watch pocket 23 comments
Do you think it's possible to humble Kanye West? 12 comments
· 10 years ago
He'd probably thank you for helping him sell out a concert that he didn't have to perform
Your Daily Webcomic #10: Always Bacon 6 comments
When you don't know what to write on a card 3 comments
Why would anyone try to kidnap his daughter 11 comments
Tried to do a nice thing and was disrespected, not even mad 6 comments
· 10 years ago
How would she slam a door in your face if you're the one holding it open?
Call in Sick 2 comments
· 10 years ago
Or, go to somewhere and learn the names of the employees and call out for them
New US money 23 comments
February looking damn fine next year 17 comments