#vetscomefirst 48 comments
· 8 years ago
Why do you think because we take in some refugees it means we aren't helping Veterans?! That's a logical fallacy. It's like saying why are you treating my cancer, when I have a broken leg? Veteran's affairs have been a massive problem for over 50 years. Yes it needs to be fixed, but its not like giving a refugee a home is taking one away from a Veteran.
SIIIIIIIICK 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Pfftt, that's just a hard to eat sandwich.... Wait! I didn't say I didn't want it.
How do you f*ck up so badly? 3 comments
· 8 years ago
"accidentally"? I'm thinking you say that too much if it just comes flying out of your mouth
Rihanna not taking shit from anyone 6 comments
How to ruin a wedding 16 comments
· 8 years ago
I understand that divorce happens, but people with 3+ divorces are the real embarrassment. "Love, honor and obey...until I realize relationships take effort"
As an American these days 19 comments
Russian architecture 6 comments
· 8 years ago
One does not dig down that deep in American... because we hear drumming in the deep
wonder 13 comments
· 8 years ago
The average "plus sized model" is a size 8... They are usually athletic, not fat. However, the male equivalent would be a man under 6 feet tall. (because male models are usually between 6'1" and 6'4") So now all we need is a derogatory term for a perfectly health man under 6 feet tall and we will have an equivalent comparison.
Edited 8 years ago
Rihanna not taking shit from anyone 6 comments
Blasting of again! 5 comments
· 8 years ago
As a kid I would have wanted a shirt... but it's also super short. I do think it sexualizes the costume a little too much for a kid. To me, it's less about how other people see the child and more about how the child sees herself.
The first few are problems too but... 82 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm not a 16 year old on twitter. This is not my first elections. I don't just vote in the presidential election. I am well versed on quite a few issues. So you did make an inaccurate assumption that because I don't share your political views, I am stupid or don't do my research.
Is it butter? 1 comments
· 8 years ago
There's just nothing to be done about that joke, you see it coming but you just keep reading, you can't stop it
Don't you think? 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Personally, I work for a non profit and I am engaged in local government. I'm about improving what we have... but look at all the apocalypse books, movies and tv shows. It's like blow it all up, cuz student loans are a drag.
Sibling Love 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I agree, but I think while some people over use offended, others will says something that is ignorant and then back it up with "you have no right to be angry about my opinion". It's really two sides of the same coin. PS: Soooooo many adjectives in your post.
So many seizures in a lifetime 48 comments
· 8 years ago
1. The post is anecdotal. It's one child. Anecdotal means "based on personal accounts rather than facts or research". It doesn't mean that it is false.
2. If you want me to believe you, the burden of proof is on you. I have no motivation to prove your point.
3. Typing it into google is not research. You have to actually read the articles and find an article from a reliable source. Preferably 3 reliable sources.
- I didn't disagree with the post, I simple said, okay prove it. But your insult TOTALLY convinced me.. well played.
2. If you want me to believe you, the burden of proof is on you. I have no motivation to prove your point.
3. Typing it into google is not research. You have to actually read the articles and find an article from a reliable source. Preferably 3 reliable sources.
- I didn't disagree with the post, I simple said, okay prove it. But your insult TOTALLY convinced me.. well played.
this would be awesome, but we're lazy motherf*ckers 17 comments
· 8 years ago
He needs to study his American history
1. It was only possible for everyone to have independent farms back when there was essentially limitless land.
2. America was always a place of great social divide.
3. Much of the labor was provided by children, indentured servants and slaves
4. There was no safety net. If your farm didn't produce enough, you would probably die.
5. Farmers use to work at least 70 hours a week. So no time to do anything but farm
1. It was only possible for everyone to have independent farms back when there was essentially limitless land.
2. America was always a place of great social divide.
3. Much of the labor was provided by children, indentured servants and slaves
4. There was no safety net. If your farm didn't produce enough, you would probably die.
5. Farmers use to work at least 70 hours a week. So no time to do anything but farm