Hilary got roasted XD 26 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually that's not true. Guns make is easier, quicker and more successful. Seriously, keep you guns. I've just been giving you facts. You know what else kills a lot of children (a scary amount)? Falling furniture. People should know that too. Don't stop buying dressers, but be aware that if not anchored properly you could lose a child. You are so defensive.
b*tches be complaining 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Eight slices of pizza?! Do I look like I have... no I'm not sharing with you..I'll make this work.
Cheers to you 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Depends on what kind of Christian you are. Some branches of Christianity just want to relieve suffering and create a better world (saved by good works). Others believe that their religion is what is going to save them and many of those Christians will try to invite you to the faith party to save you (saved by faith). Then there are various combinations of the two.
Edited 8 years ago
True af 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I believe this man is annoyed because he was sent daughters when he clearly requested sons
How is this possible???? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
There are also pills that "block fat intake" These tend to have nasty digestive side effects and and only work so long as you are taking them. People tend to put the weight back on quickly after they stop taking them
How is this possible???? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
The other dietary pills shown to be effective are the ones that give you a full feeling. It is like low cost gastric by pass. Depending on what you take, the side effects tend to be minor. However, those who eat food with higher fat content tend not to lose weight. This doesn't limit calories, just mass. It's effective up to certain point
How is this possible???? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Okay, if you read the studies on diet pills and the active ingredients, the ones that tend to be effective have stimulants. There are two problems with them. 1. They have side effects like high blood pressure, trouble sleeping, irritability. 2. You have to stay on them to keep the weight off. Studies have shown that the majority of users regain the weight within a year.
How is this possible???? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Diet pills have been proven to be ineffective in most studies. Everyone has a different BMR. So some people have to eat less and exercise more while others can't gain weight.... Science!
Hilary got roasted XD 26 comments
Thanks for the cake, America 5 comments
· 8 years ago
That is a lot of effort for a joke...but it ended in cake so everyone wins.
True af 13 comments
· 8 years ago
... I still don't know if I fully understand the scene.. maybe if I heard the music that went with it?
Well played homeless, well played 7 comments
True af 13 comments
It's Good Advice To Live By 11 comments
Fifty shades of dark white 6 comments
The whitest photo 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Look people doing silly things! They seem happy! We should mock their entire culture and genetic line...
However, can we take a moment. The girl second to the left and second to the right have swap bathing suit bottoms.
Edited 8 years ago
However, can we take a moment. The girl second to the left and second to the right have swap bathing suit bottoms.
The whitest photo 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Black people "tan" and the super white (like myself) must hide from the sun.
Why isn't there? Hmm 42 comments
· 8 years ago
We already spend a lot of time celebrating European culture without a special day. The others are compensating.
.... try looking at it this way. There is the Iwo Jima War Monument in DC. Like most of the memorials up at that time, it was Caucasian men. Really I have no judgement in that, but later a memorial was put up including women and then another with African America soldiers. Nothing was taken away from the original, but they added something to be more inclusive.
.... try looking at it this way. There is the Iwo Jima War Monument in DC. Like most of the memorials up at that time, it was Caucasian men. Really I have no judgement in that, but later a memorial was put up including women and then another with African America soldiers. Nothing was taken away from the original, but they added something to be more inclusive.
This took me longer than it should 9 comments
· 8 years ago
That did take me like a solid 2 minutes. Just goes to show, if you act like you belong, everyone will assume you do.
Hilary got roasted XD 26 comments
· 8 years ago
Gun ownership is up 4.8% over the last 7 years. Again, make your case but back it with facts. Don't base your argument on facebook, the media, special interests or you neighbor.
Why isn't there? Hmm 42 comments
· 8 years ago
Don't get me wrong, men face some very real challenges and those should be discussed. However, gay pride, black history month and international women's day are all about oppressed subcultures. Taking a moment to honor individuals in those minorities, as is done during black history month gives children role models that look like them in a world dominated by white male faces.