

— stille20 Report User
Who here can use chopsticks? 13 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
My friend from Thailand always brought chopsticks and hot sauce when we went to restaurants... so you know, to each his own
I have this same urge every time I see guys wearing pants around their knees 7 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Well his pants were saggy, so he was asking for it... oh wait
Birth 7 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I would hide that photo until she would find it funny... you know.. like in 10 years.
Blood born 9 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
...the girls on their period... the nurses... probably the moms ... the cereal killers
Is this a thing? I'm pretty sure it's a thing with tech people 10 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I often find boxes of long deceased electronics.
Now you are just asking for too much 1 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I like that everyone seems to have just read it, acknowledged the truth and moved on... that's a lot of likes.
Ha fat! 4 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
It's ice cream cake! I don't care if it called you a ugly c***. It's still delicious.
That's not how it works... 44 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Don't post stuff that is blatantly wrong. Either stay informed or stick to posting cats.
Country balls airlines 6 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
LOL, Ryanair. So true.
Humans are most effrunners 38 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Wolves can go 14/19 kilometers, horses can cover about 20 kilometers/ 12.5 miles in a day. By comparison, humans run 42.2 kilometer / 26 miles in a standard marathon.
Finally watched Land Before Time and it is toooooo tooo adorable!!! 18 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Don't watch the next 15 land before times. It gets bad, fast... I think there is singing in the second one.
World keeps on spinning 20 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Posting on social media about how things will never change is the height of useless apathy. Do research on gun laws and discuss what you found. You can write your state representatives. You can contact Chris Murphy and tell him you support his work. If we accept that things will never change, they will never change.
Gay 6 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Yes because children in the foster system is a much better option. If they are placed in a home with gay parents they might be exposed to a loving relationship.
stille20 · 8 years ago
Your bird is melting
Oh Disney 6 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
It is. I was so disturbed by that movie... that being said.. I will still randomly shout "What's in the box?!" when I get packages.
Oh Tom.. 17 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I hate celebrity gossip, but this meme is so beautiful.
Kids! Take note 20 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I agree. He's not just looking at his phone. He has headphones on too. This doesn't look like a simple case of disrespect...also that last one made me laugh really hard... maybe she's working for Moriarty and he texting Sherlock..
3 · Edited 8 years ago
Some schools are trying new strategies 19 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I agree it is a blatant display of mistrust... but having fought that battle, I can see where someone would reach that tipping point with a child who lies about having homework.
Matt damon! 27 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I looked up the worlds largest spider ..for funsubstance... and I was terrified to see photos
Matt damon! 27 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Could be worse. I had a coworker ask what S&M is.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
Sea lions like to shout "OFF!" multiple times to scare other sea lions off 9 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I was taking artistic licence with the English language.
Who doesn't need a tiara, or crown? 8 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I think this its about knowing the right gift/the right think to do for your unique person.
· Edited 8 years ago
Fox 15 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
All I can think of is Rocket after some guy's prosthetic leg.
Damn, I left mine at home 3 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
for reasons
It's Beardfacé dammit! 14 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I've never heard a woman say that about a man (not say it's never happened) but it tends to be something I hear from bearded men.