Good to know 23 comments
· 8 years ago
OMG it said the same thing both time I read it! It must be a very stable opinion! ... I REALLY need sleep.
Savage 11 comments
Savage 11 comments
· 8 years ago
I think most of them are, but it is a different sport when size is an advantage in most positions; so they are heftier ... also this just chose to show the chunkiest ones. they aren't all like that.
Wow. I'm guessing child psychologist make a mint there 11 comments
· 8 years ago
You all shouldn't have kids... but maybe collaborate on some books and a well funded movie franchise
Miranda this is p*rn! 9 comments
please don't elect this woman 73 comments
· 8 years ago
Trump has never served in an office where he had control over military operations...I'm pretty sure ever secretary of state in the last 50 years has been decisions that gotten solders killed.
Arguing with any mac user 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Which is kind of sad, because we should be able to debate issues instead of vilifying the other side. Like I am sure if gun advocates and gun control supporters got together without the gun lobbyist and liberal extremists, there would be a middle ground that most people could get on board with.
They lacked walls back then 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Also, your analogies are not accurate. Just on architecture, the Chacoan, Pueblo and the Aztec people had extensive architecture, not sweat lodges. They were living a different, more sustainable life style which was overridden by a more aggressive culture. This happened hundreds of times in the history of the world. Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, the Romans, the English, the Spanish, the Russians.
You don't own your dog 7 comments
· 8 years ago
opposable thumb was/is one of the biggest evolutionary "moments" for for human development. Also I hate getting back slimy tennis balls.
Lesbian couples pregnancy announcement 9 comments
He will be safe! 77 comments
· 8 years ago
Coffee... I'm gunna shot gun this coffee and then f*ck you up with my sunglasses...also to my left.
They lacked walls back then 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh boy, that's a whole lot of historical inaccuracy. They were not living in the stone age. Some have systems of writing. There were many different cultures progressing a different speeds. Most of whom were living comfortably while Europe was struggling with plague, war and political upheaval. If you are actually interested in this, I highly recommend "Guns, Germs and Steel".
Now That's Perfect Timing 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually that would totally describe my dad..though I would hardly consider him average
Now That's Perfect Timing 9 comments
· 8 years ago
I believe that is a bro rule. When I road tripped a lot with my friends, shot gun was obligated to find quality music that the car would like...also navigate. Back seat was required to pass out snacks. It was serious business.
The difference a few weeks can make 4 comments
Truth about scorpions 6 comments
Superheroes then and now 33 comments
I wanna know who I'm shipped with (if anyone) 17 comments
· 8 years ago
No this teacher is saying that he/she plays cupid while assigning the seats of his/her students. It's a little unprofessional to seat someone based on anything other that helping them learn, but it's not a big deal... but I think it's creepy to tell them you seat them hoping to create romantic relationships. It's not a YA novel, it's a classroom.