

— stille20 Report User
This is why we're fat 13 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I agree 100%!
I know it's for plot convenience, but it bothers me more than it should! 15 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Could you imagine how awkward it would be in real life. even if the technology worked. It would be delayed and idioms would come out all wrong. ...what show is this?
Grounded 6 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
And later he gets mad when threatening no longer works
This is why we're fat 13 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Frozen veggies are very cheap and easy to make. People buy chicken breast when they should buy the whole chicken. Beans and rice are super cheap and healthy. I lived on a VERY limited budget while working full time job and taking classes. IF you have access to a grocery store it's not as hard as people make it out to be. You just have to get use to eating beans instead of Doritos.
Pretty much me right now 8 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I wish music would play when I speak Spanish... though my Spanish skills are more like Brad Pitt in the Mexican (Look it up, it hilarious)
Pull up 7 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Gang member is not the same as a Mafia Gangster. You are talking about two separated sub cultures. Better?
Humans are most effrunners 38 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Humans actually win a long distance race. There is a race in Wales every year where humans and horses race.
I always thought this 5 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
We can but how do you say last week instead of last month? Or explainyour dangerous love of bacon with blinks.
"Man vs Wild" in a nutshell 10 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Meat give provides more energy that most vegetable matter, especially wild roots and berries. For example there are 250 calories in 100 grams of meat, but only 28 calories in 100 grams of turnip. I mean if you can gather enough nuts you are good for a while. Acorns are closer to 320 calories, but they are seasonal. So if we are dropped in the woods in January, you are digging in frozen ground for a sad 30 calories.
Hillary 6 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
RDJ is a legend 5 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Wow, down-voted for that comment. Allie, apparently your winky face was just too aggressive
The dolphins are evolving 4 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
lol even better than the actual post
Not that I'm looking for an answer, but 27 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
That's not how the force works.
American style 21 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Glad I could help ;) Thanks for the can dog review.
American style 21 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I have no experience with can dogs. When you say they aren't that bad, like you would buy them, or you would eat them if there was nothing else in the house and don't want to go out or you would eat them before you would eat the other people in the shelter.
2 · Edited 8 years ago
I always thought this 5 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
but still... you can explain complex ideas like "last week" and "forever" and the Double Down sandwich from KFC
Pull up 7 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Gangster back then dressed in the fashion for the time. Can you picture a gang member in a 3 piece suit? lol
· Edited 8 years ago
"Man vs Wild" in a nutshell 10 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
(I'm not the down voter) Is there a specific cultural group your referencing? Don't get me wrong, I do think we should be moving away from eating meat for environmental reason. It's just that for a wilderness survival situation, cooked meat is one of the best sources of energy.
bread memes. 35 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Okay androgynous is a lack of gender. Asexual in an orientation, but still not a gender. So still sticking to the question what other genders are there beyond male and female? Down vote all you want, but I really am looking for an answer.
American style 21 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Hot dogs are already sketchy. Putting them in a can makes them like apocalypse food. Like you eat them in your bunker when all the other food is gone... not sure if before or after you turn to cannibalism.
bread memes. 35 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
...too late, people are already offended. Asexual is a lack of gender... so it's not a gender, trans (as in transition) gender is switch from one gender to another... so still not it's own gender... so what other gender is there? Not rhetorical, really, go ahead and enlighten me.
*awaits* 26 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
It doesn't harm you any way if they use a different image. They didn't change the movie, but if you can't have everything just the way you want it, even if it harms other people, someone is invading your rights. No one is infringing on your rights.
*awaits* 26 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Also, X-men is not "reality".
*awaits* 26 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
You get to do whatever you want with your children, but by putting images like that so public, you remove the right of others to make that choice. Maybe I would choose to not show my 3 year old violent movies. I don't see whats so crazy about that.
*awaits* 26 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Gender should have been removed from the equation. I have no problem with Mystique getting her ass kicked in the movie. The problem is the image is out of context. Really, I don't think either image belongs on billboard where young children can see it.
· Edited 8 years ago