That b*tch 55 comments
· 8 years ago
OMG! You fell for more "Trumped" up stories. He's like a walking onion article. You are free to like him, but he spouts ridiculous theories that are obviously false, all the time. Like the whole thing about Ted Cruz's father. I can't believe people fall for that stuff.
Edited 8 years ago
Deadpool getting it all right 25 comments
· 8 years ago
I think the poster was a little disturbing regardless of gender or quality of the movie. It's out of context and rather violent. In the movie it's fine, but when you put a violent image on a billboard, you take away a parent's ability to choose whether or not their 3 year old is ready to see such images.
Jackie chan 10 comments
Kid makes a point 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Other people are a waste of time and money? Why are they less valuable than you? That is a scary level of egocentrism.
yes! it was such a mystery 22 comments
For all the curvy men and women 9 comments
· 8 years ago
I get that. I think people need to strike a healthy balance between not letting your body make you insecure and still knowing you need to maintain it.
However, I think we justify the idea that if a woman is not a size 6 she is unattractive because "fat is unhealthy", when it is more about Hollywood / Madison Avenue beauty standards. If it was all about health, men would be more interested in athletes, than models.
However, I think we justify the idea that if a woman is not a size 6 she is unattractive because "fat is unhealthy", when it is more about Hollywood / Madison Avenue beauty standards. If it was all about health, men would be more interested in athletes, than models.
Kid makes a point 38 comments
· 8 years ago
So starving children is the lesser? Beside starvation is not keeping our population in check. If you improve conditions, people farm smarter (preventing the destruction of land, have fewer children (access to education and birth control), and improve infrastructure (now food rots while people starve) you can feed people, reduce waste and save the environment.
yes! it was such a mystery 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Easy groot... I was kidding. I did the exact same thing by bringing up a show from like 12 years ago.
Polar bear statue impaled on a oil supply line, dumped in front of the Danish parliament 6 comments
· 8 years ago
The problem is people respond poorly to scare tactics. Don't get me wrong, global warming is happening and we are in some really big trouble. People will try to tune out something so grotesque.
Edited 8 years ago
Must go here someday 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Nice try. That's Rivendell. I saw it in that documentary about the ring of power.
They're so cute! 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Only one of them. Turns out you can be friends with someone without screwing them... it's true. There have been studies and everything!
That's the Evilest Thing I Can Imagine 9 comments
For all the curvy men and women 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Why are people SO AFRAID that an obese person will think their weight is healthy. Like an alcoholic knows the alcohol is bad. A smoker knows smoking is bad. An obese person knows their weight is bad... its okay not to freak out every time someone is okay with their slightly imperfect body.
"Man vs Wild" in a nutshell 10 comments
· 8 years ago
"easily" no. Humans made a huge leap forward when they discovered cooking meat. Before that time, humans spent had to expend all their energy collect food. Cooked meat allowed humans to need less food and spend less time hunting and gathering. While you can acquire vegan food more readily, it gives you significantly less energy. Also animal protein is available year round, unlike nuts and berries. You're welcome to be a vegan. It's just not great for wilderness survival.
Kid makes a point 38 comments
· 8 years ago
World hunger should not be ended!? There are better ways to control the population then innocent children starving to death. Not to mention, with modern medicine and technology, nature has little to do with population growth any more.
- Platypus is right. You make this grand judgement with a full stomach.
Edited 8 years ago
- Platypus is right. You make this grand judgement with a full stomach.
69 people shot in Chicago over Memorial Day Weekend 17 comments
· 8 years ago
I like when people on funsubstance have the rebuttal of a 9 year old. Kill yourself? Really?
Edited 8 years ago
Leopard enters Nepal's city, doesn't get killed 27 comments
· 8 years ago
It frustrates me that people are criticizing the decision to shoot the gorilla. The general public didn't know this gorilla. They are having a knee jerk reaction and will forget in a week. The people who shot the gorilla most likely knew the gorilla. They have to live with a difficult decision, which saved a child's life. (though I am glad they got the leopard safely)
This is all just common knowledge 15 comments
· 8 years ago
...then you have to acquire and dispose of a Hazmat suit without anyone noticing.