

— stille20 Report User
Research shows most women are unhappy if asked to split the bill 49 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Not true. In my personal experience, men tend to be offended when you reach for the bill. Maybe I just haven't found the right one, but I had one guy actually say, "wow, you really don't want to sleep with me"
Dropping napalm on Huffington Post 24 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Have you ever worked in an office of all women?
This is why I love the internet 3 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I was half way through the scroll thinking .. well this is stu... brilliant!
Child 3 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I had a guy do this and when I didn't let him in, he told me it was because he was gay. *facepalm*
· Edited 8 years ago
Viking wood carving 3 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
...because you are part of the high speed internet generation. Back in my day we had to wait for that sh*t to dial in. ;)
It Just Couldn't Have Been Said Any Better 24 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
So people who don't share your values should kill them self? Yes, that clearly gives you the intellectual high ground. Sigh.
Dropping napalm on Huffington Post 24 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
There is a girl in the back who you can barely see who could be black. There are definitely at least one Asian girl and who knows what the ethnicity of the girl front right... Honestly I would not want to work in an office of all women. You really want diversity so that it isn't 12 people with the same idea.
Old froots 25 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Look up "How The Selectively Bred Perfect Potato Turned Poisonous" It's one of many examples.
When your tattoo artist is concerned 15 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
True... Down one side of my back. There were a few spots that were a little dicey.
Quicksilver everyone 15 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Thank you comic book science
Old froots 25 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Nope, you definitely don't, but selective breeding takes a long time and sometimes you end up with things you didn't want. Selective breeding has turned some foods poisonous.
Before you start looking for an answer make sure you are asking a valid question 13 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
FINALLY! A proper use of this meme!
Something ate through this mallow leaf before it opened 5 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
in the garden, with the lead pipe
The metamorphosis of an angel 1 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
That angel just sh*t on the carpet again.
That's it, I'm voting for Bernie 10 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Did you have a stroke halfway through that post?
Wise words 5 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Not Bill Murray's quote..good quote.. good guy, just not his quote
And it's usually the other way around 4 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
My very successful friend loves inspiration quotes (especially cheesy ones) and goes to therapy regularly.
The woes of a two-party system 43 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
If you are 100% in Democrat or Republican, I question your ability to think for yourself. We should be able two have differences of opinion without vilifying the other party.
Triggered 55 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I do have to disagree with the idea that words contain no inherent power. words with "k" sound are more aggressive (see George Carlin's seven dirty words) Were as if you look at the poem the Raven, Poe used "nevermore" "chamber door" "nothing more" because they sounded mournful.
What would you do? 27 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Start lookin' around for prisoner zero
Is this vacuum cleaner strong enough to help to climb a building like Tom Cruise 5 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Celiac disease is much higher in Caucasians... however I have not seen any stats on white people and vacuum wall climbing.
Practice 2 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Don't try to apply logic to the behavior of children under six. It usually because they were hungry, tired or bored.
The only think you should put in people's drinks 11 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
You may not actually pass it. It may block things you do not wish blocked
Medical student perspective and motivation 10 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I'm the Ghost of Christmas future. Focus on the writing side of your major. NO ONE cares if you can name that Shakespeare quote and analyse poetry.
Some people should not go out to eat 56 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I go out with a friend with a lot of food issues. She picks things she can eat and asks about the ingredients. Some times this annoys the waitstaff.. so really is no win. You are in a services industry. Get over it.