The hate he has for this woman is on another level 8 comments
· 8 years ago
He's letting his hate of her rule his life. In the end he still loses.
Please hand in you're permission slips before you go on the feels trip 25 comments
· 8 years ago
This broke my heart. I'm so sorry. It's okay to sometimes just let things feel normal... we aren't meant to stay broken, but we will always carry our loved ones with us.
This is beautiful 24 comments
Young Arctic Fox that was born blind 7 comments
Aquaman and Global Warming 17 comments
Holy flip I never knew that. That, is cool. 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Just sciencing over here... I had to look it up. I didn't want misinformed vampires switching to unhealthy diets
Holy flip I never knew that. That, is cool. 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Coconut water is used in place of saline, not plasma.. it's for a patient that is dehydrated, not for a blood transfusion... so vegan vampires would be sickly
Edited 8 years ago
A helpful review 2 comments
Looking after someone else's tortoise 3 comments
· 8 years ago
I remember when people though the internet was going to bring the world together... instead people just use it for turtle porn.
srsly murica get your shit together 32 comments
· 8 years ago
So you walked into a room, listened for 10 seconds and then told everyone they are an idiot. You must be fun at parties
srsly murica get your shit together 32 comments
· 8 years ago
Though due to the strange way primaries work, Trump probably represents less than 25% of the voters.
For example
Connecticut 530,000 voted, 240,000 voted Republican votes Trump received 123,504 (less than 25% of the vote)
Pennsylvania 3,170,000 votes, Trump received 892,702 votes
Edited 8 years ago
For example
Connecticut 530,000 voted, 240,000 voted Republican votes Trump received 123,504 (less than 25% of the vote)
Pennsylvania 3,170,000 votes, Trump received 892,702 votes
Who names agoat Billy? 24 comments
Who names agoat Billy? 24 comments
When there's a debate in the comments of your post 40 comments
· 8 years ago
Are you saying white people don't use chairs? As an Asian American Dragon this offends me!
1932? 14 comments
Life in school be like 7 comments
· 8 years ago
No, that's cool. Don't turn it in. Get a zero, but your know, at least you were a bad ass when you failed out.
Apology not accepted 3 comments