

— stille20 Report User
Getting lovely texts from your parents like: 1 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
You can't just ask someone what happened to their nose
Almost as bad as vegans 8 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I was using crime hyperbolically, but really your logic is based on the slippery slope fallacy and is not actionable by HR.. but you know, go for.
"Share this picture of brave Vietnam soldiers" 20 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
This will always be my favorite RDJ role.
The things humans do for our dogs 7 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Look how happy puppy is.
Almost as bad as vegans 8 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
She's just boring and has nothing better to talk about. HR is not going to be interested. Where do you draw the line? What about the people who talk about crossfit (there is a VP in my company obsessed with crossfit) or or their cat or their pot smokers or their kids (I've actually seen people hired or not hired because they are parents) or the lady next to me who literately can not get through a day without mentioning she is a vegan?..she's not my boss... just super annoying.
People can be boring and annoying.. but sadly it's not a crime.
Funny wedding invitation 4 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
It's hilarious, but you gotta know people are going to f*ck it up and then you get an inaccurate account.
12 · Edited 8 years ago
What does this picture mean to you? 33 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
or you will get eaten by a skeleton... that should totally be added to that saying.
3 · Edited 8 years ago
Fridge Fight 6 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
This is the kind of thing you do before you have kids... or if you don't have kids
What does this picture mean to you? 33 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
little bit of column A, little bit of column B
I cry when this happens 7 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
the hot pocket was a nice touch
The birthday of a vegan 5 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
What is vegan is the new "gay".. like people hack eachother's facebooks to post "I'm Vegan"
*sassily snaps fingers* 20 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
OMG, love Big Bubba!... Apparently (according to a study I heard about on NPR) the more impoverished we are, the more likely we are to make poor decisions with our money... like not that poor people are stupid, but putting the same person in a place of financial comfort and financial strife, he would make worse decisions in the second situations ...humans are strange
Punctuation people! 12 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Engineering is a branch of science
5 times more beautiful 28 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
... but I'm wondering if gender throws things off... suggests hopefully
· Edited 8 years ago
Realistic Cartoon Characters in 3D Look Creepy As Hell 32 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
What happened to Tweety? He has no feathers and looks cracked out
Life tip 8 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Wait why is that a rich person thing? or a white person thing? Basically anyone can politely offer the advice of others.
Hello. Wanna play with me? 7 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Not until you put those things away
*sassily snaps fingers* 20 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
It depends on the job. In some areas it is unprofessional and unacceptable. While you are free to get as many tattoos and piercings as you like, you are not free from judgement. This is reality. Plan accordingly.
32 · Edited 8 years ago
Rare Image of where Donald Trump grows his hair, Tromsø, Norway 6 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
You mean Bern them all?
Such a silly name 4 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I aspire to be the Dylan of my family
Punctuation people! 12 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
It depends on how you define a "real Scientist". Bill Nye has a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering which he used to get a position as a consultant in the aeronautics industry. However, he has not published to a science journal. However, Palin is an ignorant media whore, so who is she to throw the first stone.
Punctuation people! 12 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
PLEASE explain to me how she is not wrong
Would you sleep in this bubble bed surrounded by nature? 13 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Guy trys online dating as a woman and gets way more responses 7 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Wait what? He made himself a target because of the name Simone?
5 times more beautiful 28 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Yea... someone just made that up. We do have an evolutionary lean to find those who look like us attractive. This was probability to make us protect our own tribe and not Romeo and Julieting it in cave man times...