Ironic sign 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually, it's still ironic by definition.
Weird fact 4 comments
· 8 years ago
If this is talking about the original game and only the original game then it is true, if it is talking about the entire series then it is false.
Oops 5 comments
· 8 years ago
No one asked. Your comment doesn't even make sense with this joke.
Edited 8 years ago
When god decided to make me 2 comments
· 8 years ago
How God made me;
"I'm gonna make this one a faithful follower of mine
And I'm gonna make him see all the problems in the world
And I'm gonna make him super smart"
(Accidentally knocks over huge vat of laziness)
"Well, maybe I can make him determined to counter that"
(Accidentally pours in social awkwardness in addition to determination)
(Forgets to put in Social Skills)
"Well to counteract that I can just make him good looking"
(Pours in ugliness without thinking)
(Accidentally sends down)
"Oh crap"
Edited 8 years ago
"I'm gonna make this one a faithful follower of mine
And I'm gonna make him see all the problems in the world
And I'm gonna make him super smart"
(Accidentally knocks over huge vat of laziness)
"Well, maybe I can make him determined to counter that"
(Accidentally pours in social awkwardness in addition to determination)
(Forgets to put in Social Skills)
"Well to counteract that I can just make him good looking"
(Pours in ugliness without thinking)
(Accidentally sends down)
"Oh crap"
Some short jokes to brighten your day 14 comments
Perfect replica 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Get over it, it's FUNSubstance, I didn't come here to hear you complaining and acting like a five year old because someone posted something from over a year ago. Your acting like it's the end of the world! You had 5 comments complaining about the post and trying to prove something that we didn't even ask you about just because someone asked you for the link! Get over it, next time there is a repost just keep it to yourself, just because you can't enjoy it doesn't mean other can't and/or shouldn't be able to enjoy the post!
Perfect replica 16 comments
· 8 years ago
It doesn't matter if it's a repost, not everyone has seen this before, I've never seen it, and I have no doubt that many others haven't either. So just shut up and let others enjoy the post.
Darth who? 82 comments
The issues with todays society 51 comments
· 8 years ago
Anyone should be able to feel proud of their race. While race is not an achievement it's something your born with, a lot of people seem to forget that just because your skin is a certain color doesn't mean that your ancestors were from a certain place or did certain things. Each race has done bad things in their history. A white being proud of their race isn't being racist, it's just being human. Being proud of your race is just human nature, you can't and shouldn't condemn it because someone is of a certain race.
Darth who? 82 comments
· 8 years ago
Darth Kcin or Darth Salohcin, depending on which form of my name you use
Edited 8 years ago
My mom when I would talk back 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Intetesting fact of the day... It depends on the state. If you live in America there are 31 States that outlawed School Corporal Punishment, and in the 19 States where School Corporal Punishment is "allowed" it is highly frowned upon and will still get you fired, sued, etc. From my knowledge, in States where School Corporal Punishment isn't outlawed by the State, it becomes the choice of the County and/or Local Government whether or not to allow it within the City and/or County. For example I actually live in a State that didn't outlaw School Corporal Punishment, but my local government outlawed it, and my County does not allow it.
A handy "How to..." guide 75 comments
· 8 years ago
This could be costing jobs, hell it could be potentially costing lives if there are emergency vehicles with people who need to get to a hospital immediately, because they would be blocked by some asshole people blocking the highway. Protesting is fine, but blocking traffic isn't a good way to protest.
Hopefully not .... 5 comments
· 8 years ago
It's sarcasm, he wants her deported, he's putting up her information because of that
Dad and daughter 5 comments
That's the fashion we want 20 comments
· 8 years ago
It looks nice, but there's too much skin showing for this armor to actually be of very much use, it wouldn't so a very good job of protecting you.
Edited 8 years ago
Shots fired by this girl! 30 comments
· 8 years ago
@unicycle, having someone attempt to explain your field of study to you isn't mansplaining, I know more women that do things like that than I do men who do things like that, there are a lot of men who do it, but it's not mansplaining, having someone attempt to explain your field of study to you is just life, it happens to most people at least once or twice in their life, it being 15+ men doing the explaining is just an unfortunate event, but it doesn't make it mansplaining.