One out of three 34 comments
· 10 years ago
A bird is a bird, a fish is a fish, a dog is a person.
Real ghost caught on film. 31 comments
For all those vegetarians out there 23 comments
Future of roads 21 comments
· 10 years ago
And it has a lot of potential! It could do a lot of other things one day, like charging electric cars as they drive across it. How can people /not/ be excited!?
For all those vegetarians out there 23 comments
For all those vegetarians out there 23 comments
· 10 years ago
You're.. not on the top of the food chain. Go try to take down a moose with your bare hands. What's that? You'll die? Guess who's not at the top, then.
Thoughts people had while in the shower... 10 comments
Nice at heart 4 comments
Faith In Humanity Restored 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Wow. What the fuck is wrong with people? How can someone find enjoyment in torturing and killing an innocent, defenseless creature?
Good Guy JCPenney's 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Putting us in ads is part of normalizing us. It's like refusing to put black people in ads. We exist. Not putting us in ads, shows, ect. is like saying we don't. This is one way we can get rid of a heteronormative society. There are ads, songs, shows, and everything else depicting heterosexual relationships EVERYWHERE. It's pretty much all we get to look at. So one or two ads, especially one celebrating ALL mothers and fathers, aren't that big of a deal, nor is it "worship".
Future of roads 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Really!? Then... they raised a lot in just a couple days! Last I checked, they had eight days left and were only a bit over half funded!
Greatest youtube thread ever ! 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I have. I have been called fag, tranny, transvestite, and similar by strangers and my own parents. The words we use hurts people and pushes the idea that gay or transgender = negative. It's not okay. It's never okay. And no, not "unless they are absolutely unquestioningly deserving of it." It hurts more than the one person it's directed at. It hurts the minority group as a whole. You don't need to bring an entire group down to insult one person. Be creative with your insults. And why is there need to call them anything at all? Clearly, they're stupid. Do we need to slap a label on it? It's not necessary and hurts other people. Better to say nothing at all than to push the ideas and language that causes suicide, murder, assault, and discrimination.
Product review 19 comments
at least it's not a bear 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Aww... how cute.. Why would anyone be scared of him? He's just a little one.
Good Guy JCPenney's 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Pfft.. "One Million Moms".. More like "Twelve Moms With Nothing Better to Do."
Greatest youtube thread ever ! 24 comments
· 10 years ago
No. Historical context still puts meaning to them. Calling someone a f** implies that being gay is negative. Tr*nny is often the last word a transgender woman hears before being beaten, raped, or killed. As transgender people still have a 1 in 12 murder rate (1 in 8 for trans women of color) hateful speech cannot be tolerated.
Future of roads 21 comments
· 10 years ago
They're running out of time, though. Hopefully, we'll see these soon.
logic 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Y'know, a bit over a century ago, the colors were reversed. Blue was considered a soft, feminine color, and pink was considered a strong masculine color.
Thought I'd respond with some peace and harmony to an FS argument from earlier 49 comments
· 10 years ago
You don't know anything about gender, nande, if you think that a person's parts determine whether you're male or female.
Reasons to save trees 15 comments
My dog would do this 6 comments
· 10 years ago
White stag's public service announcement: People, PLEASE do not leave your dogs in the car! It can still heat up considerably with the windows down! Dogs have died with all of the windows down!
logic 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Toys don't have to be marked "boys" or "girls." Maybe, one day we'll live in a world where they aren't.