What do you like to do when you are alone? 42 comments
· 10 years ago
I debate with myself and make plans that will probably never be fulfilled.
I love them both 41 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm sorry! I misread your question!
How do I know? Hm.. That's actually a very difficult question to answer, and it's generally advised you don't ask transgender people that question. How do you know what gender you are? Your parts aren't a valid answer, because even if said parts are removed, you'd still be that gender, right?
Edited 10 years ago
How do I know? Hm.. That's actually a very difficult question to answer, and it's generally advised you don't ask transgender people that question. How do you know what gender you are? Your parts aren't a valid answer, because even if said parts are removed, you'd still be that gender, right?
Bill Nye & Morons & Climate Change 17 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm trying. I'm trying all I can. It's my family who refuses to change anything. It's awful. That woman, though.. Gosh, she's annoying.. You wisely use your time and resources to take care of all of your top problems.
Edited 10 years ago
I love them both 41 comments
· 10 years ago
I was born in the body of a female with the mind of a male. My brain is shaped the way a man's brain is. I'm no less a man than any other. You are more than your parts. You are more than your chromosomes. A girl was born with the chromosomes XY. Her body couldn't use testosterone, so she developed as a female. Is she any less a girl because of her chromosomes? Suppose a man's penis is cut off in an accident. Is he any less a man for that accident? Our parts don't define us. Our brains do. My brain identifies me as a man. Not a woman.
I love them both 41 comments
· 10 years ago
Guest, what you are describing is a person's sex. Not their gender. Anyone who studies the mind will tell you that these are separate.
I love them both 41 comments
I love them both 41 comments
· 10 years ago
Nope. Singular they is also used. Unless you'd like to tell William Shakespeare, Oscar Wild, C. S. Lewis, and Jane Austin they're wrong?
Sorry I asked 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Women, and often men, are emotionally and often physically abused in porn. Many are pushed into things they don't want to do, and it's hard to leave. Violence against women in porn is selling more and more. I think you can figure out what's going on, there without me telling you. Many are also forced into the porn industry. After all, slavery, though illegal everywhere, also happens everywhere, even in the United States, Canada, and European countries. Growing demand only worsens the problems. Transgender women face a disproportionate amount of abuse in comparison to their cisgender peers. They are fetishized. Treated as a product. I.. had sources, but I can't find them at the moment. If you'd like to see them, I'll continue to search for them. The only way to stop the harm porn causes, is to stop demanding it. Stop watching. Any who know of what goes on and continues to watch are responsible for everything that happens to those men and women.
Sorry I asked 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm not sure whether people would be surprised or not to know about all of the abuse that happens behind the scenes in the porn industry. Porn truly is evil, but not for the reasons most people think.
Stereotypes hurt everyone 30 comments
· 10 years ago
Why should we hyphenate? As if they're less American than anyone else? The question then, however, is what to say instead? As long as there are issues that affect some groups and not others, there is need for differentiation when speaking about them, so what can we say that would be proper and respectful?
I love them both 41 comments
· 10 years ago
Good for her. You can never truly know the gender of your child until they can tell you themselves. I only wish my parents knew that.
I love them both 41 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't speak of things you know nothing about, guest. I am not a woman. I am a man. As much as any other. A person is more than the parts they are born with. I didn't choose my gender OR my sex. I was born with both and sadly, they don't match.
How a horseshoe crab moves. 30 comments
White guy confessions 18 comments
Confession bear 28 comments
· 10 years ago
That has to be the first time I've seen a comment with 100+ likes.
Confession bear 28 comments
· 10 years ago
Good for those kids. Sucks to have to do that, but.. it's best for them.
Giant ant colony 13 comments
· 10 years ago
But... That killed all of the ants.. You just killed an entire colony..
Saving the dogs 24 comments
· 10 years ago
All slaughter houses are places of suffering and fear. Many animals are still alive as their throats are cut and their skin is removed.
Saving the dogs 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I shouldn't have said all, though. I should have said most. All factory farm animals suffer immensely.
Saving the dogs 24 comments
· 10 years ago
Lamb? How can a person eat a baby animal? :' ( How can a person bring themselves to harm a baby animal? Well. Any animal, really, but especially a baby..
Edited 10 years ago
Saving the dogs 24 comments
This is the world we live in 47 comments