I'm Spanish, from Spain, in Europe.
Not South American, Central American or a Mexican.
Homemade gun 5 comments
· 2 years ago
I mean, shooters in the US target children and not politicians
No word needed 5 comments
· 2 years ago
Let's not forget that the kingdoms which united to create Spain fought the Muslims for almost 700 years during the Reconquista
Keeping the dream alive 1 comments
· 2 years ago
My dad was born in a small village in southern Spain, and he told me that a German moved there after the end of WW2. So the entire village called him "the Nazi" until he passed away
It's not gonna be a fun time for them ruskies 1 comments
· 2 years ago
I remember reading a news article just before the invasion where Ukrainians claimed it made no sense to protect Chernobyl, since the whole area was radioactive anyways. And after the invasion, reading that Russian troops had to flee Chernobyl due to radiation poisoning made me laugh quite hard
What's going on in Spain 6 comments
· 2 years ago
Yeah Spain is known for late lunches and dinners. If I told my friends to meet for dinner any time earlier than 9PM they'd think I'm crazy, same thing if I asked them to have lunch earlier than 2PM
World War IV Will Be Fought With Predictive Text Games 57 comments
· 3 years ago
I know not with what weapons world war III will be fought. But world war IV will be fought with the government in the end and the European Union will not allow us to pay for our service.
Maybe They Learn by Example 7 comments
· 3 years ago
I've been to that place in Japan! Most deer were great but one did try to bite my leg
Be happy with them. 8 comments
· 3 years ago
My grandpa had a series of illnesses throughout the end of his life that made him lose almost all his memory, and he could barely speak by the end. For example, any time I went to visit him he wouldn't know who I was. But one time, my cousin gave him a laptop and told him to write something down, and to everyone's surprise he wrote the full names of his 3 children and the words "I'm very far away". I couldn't believe it when my cousin told the rest of the family about it, memory is such a weird thing
Double take 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Knowing Spanish politics, I wouldn't have been surprised if it had been Alf
Saddest way to end the year 5 comments
Climate conferences don't zoom 6 comments
· 3 years ago
The negotiators can't do informal meetings through Zoom because they may be recorded against their will so they prefer not to take the risk. And doubt me all you want, I learnt this fact from my professor who has been in several climate negotiations
We've met before.... Or so I am told 8 comments
· 3 years ago
This happened to me so much now that I'm at a new university! It also happened to me when I lived in the Netherlands lol
Climate conferences don't zoom 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Most of the solutions agreed in international climate negotiations are not actually agreed upon in formal meetings but in informal ones, as it allows members from all states to talk more chillingly about how to solve the issues at hand. Did they need to fly all those private jets to Glasgow? Fuck no, but all countries do need a large representation in the COP
Back in my day you could cough in public without causing mass hysteria 8 comments
· 3 years ago
This meme must have been made by people from my university, because a lot of people have colds and got tested for covid
Know yourself 33 comments
· 3 years ago
I did debate for about 6 months, and this is the first few things that they teach you before you start making up arguments. It's super useful to know this, and it also helps when hearing politicians' arguments to elect them
I know how to make pancakes 13 comments
· 3 years ago
People in Spain get shocked when I tell them I can cook, clean, and iron my clothes by myself because they don't expect a young guy to do all of that by himself. Then I tell them that I lived alone, so I had to all of that or I would live in shambles