Priorites 13 comments
· 9 years ago
It might be indicating that it's one University of California campus built, so not including new private schools in the state. UC Channel Islands, I believe.
12 crazy ideas that just need to happen already 17 comments
I love Spanish mucho mucho 18 comments
"It was my size. Then I washed it!" 9 comments
100 Years Ago, A Time Capsule Was Made. Here's What It Had Inside 21 comments
· 9 years ago
I love that when folks were deciding what the most important items were for a time capsule, someone was like, "Coffee. Coffee is life." Some things are eternal.
So my little cousins are going to Disneyland here soon 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Some people are illiterate because the education system failed them or other circumstances. Some people are literate and still dumb.
Result of a steel ball, moving at 4.2 miles/second, impacting a 12 inch thick steel block 13 comments
· 9 years ago
"The image above shows a 1.2-cm (0.47-in) aluminum sphere striking a seven inch (18 cm) thick aluminum plate at a velocity of 6.8 km/s (4.2 miles per second), giving some idea of the destructive power of hypervelocity impacts." http://www.gizmag.com/space-debris-kessler-syndrome-nasa-debrisat/24911/
You're not the only person on the road 22 comments
· 9 years ago
I lean toward neutral colored cars--browns, greys--and rural homes--dusty back roads, windy, mountain roads--so I just always turn my headlights on. It doesn't hurt anything and increases the visibility of my vehicle for other drivers.
I got you, babe 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, wolves go for the throat. Yes, it's a sensitive spot. Yes, protecting it would be smart. Yes, bleeding is hard to stop. Yes, if bleeding doesn't stop, the animal will die. But how do we know that the wolf in the photograph is pretending to be scared while protecting the throat of the other wolf? If there were a third wolf, would it protect the second wolf's throat? Would a pack of wolves line up like an Awkward Family Photo?
Grandma olympics 47 comments
· 9 years ago
My grandma will sew you a quilt, make you a mean grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup, then pass out on the couch watching Jeopardy after a bottle of wine.
Colors to represent when the bread was baked 13 comments
kids today will never know... 34 comments
· 9 years ago
My kids have gone to school in California, Missouri, and Oregon and all three schools have done the color clip chart for behavior.
My kind of job 13 comments
· 9 years ago
He looks like the dude that got my roommate pregnant and left town in the middle of the night owing me fifty bucks about ten years ago.
Takes me 21 birthday cycles to realize this 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Pregnancy is considered full-term thirty-eight to forty weeks from the date of your last period, so... two weeks before New Years to thirty-eight weeks is September 9th... But a last menstrual one week until forty weeks gestation is October 1st. And pre-term babies.... There are like six September birthdays in my family and the one thing I know is there is one good way to stay warm on cold January nights.
I do use dude a lot :b 37 comments
Presidential candidate 39 comments
· 9 years ago
I mean, yeah...actually DYING is pretty much the ultimate victim, but I kind of get what she's trying to say. Someone I love recently died and, sometimes, between being dead and being left behind, I think she got the better end of the bargain. Yeah, it's selfish. But I have to live the rest of my life without her and I'm PISSED.
I'd rather have Draco Malfoy as prez 65 comments
Rebels 44 comments
· 9 years ago
In Oregon, water is considered public property so there are laws about collecting rainwater. A man was jailed and fined not too long for doing so. HOWEVER, when the media reported this, they often failed to mention that he collected something like 13 million gallons in reservoirs on his property. It is within legal parameters to have a smaller sort of rainwater collection system.