


— SoccerCh1ck Report User
What up Monica 42 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Ok just for clarification, if I posted a picture of the swastika and said "no guys this is meant for good luck" would you all be fine with that?
Development of a chick 39 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
but how are they seeing into the egg? I'm so confused
What up Monica 42 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
^my point exactly
How not to be a parent 22 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
"mom will you stop smoking"
"quitting smoking is hard..."
"what if i get 2,000 likes?"
"welL THEN YES!"
Development of a chick 39 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
the ones before 21 days, those are all cracked and opened eggs
What up Monica 42 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Trust me I know there's aways going to be people on the internet and in the real world that will say stuff or do stuff that are offensive to me and others and I yes I think that's wrong, but what I believe to be more wrong is for people to allow this stuff to offend them and let it go by. It's understandable that someone voicing their opinion on something that most people have decided to turn their cheek on or embrace is taking as that person speaking out on "hurt feelings", but in all honesty, I only said that because I'm a tad bit tired or people saying "well it's the internet, or free speech, or I can say what I want" because yes you can, but it'd be great if people remembered this thing called manners and how it's always a good thing to use those because they just kind of make the world better and people happier. And lastly, there is no REAL reason to say that word, so why people loooove to use it.
What up Monica 42 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
It's not dependent on where you are and the race of the people you are with. It's on the type of people. I go to an ALL black private school and no one would dare say that. Secondly, if you have to say that word (i don't understand why you NEED to) just know, it'd be best to say it around people that hold the same views on the word as you, and the internet is not the place.
Live from New York 21 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
hate is a horrible thing, has he personally done anything to you?
What up Monica 42 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
... just because you hear some people say this word doesn't make it acceptable for any race please stop.
This would be pretty entertaining 19 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
If you're a charitable person, you can give them away to all the potatoes that want them
E-reader vs book 11 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I read fanfiction too *awkwardly winks*
Dat President... 7 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
*hugs back to cease the uncomfortableness* I know.. I know...
This would be pretty entertaining 19 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
What do you do with the boyfriends?
This is the worst... 32 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
*upvoting cuz if it said "jensubstance" you wouldn't be downvoted*
a lesson: 55 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
No, I'm just saying it's not a bad thing that "HAVING ENOUGH MONEY TO GET HIMSELF OUT OF JAIL". It truly isn't his fault if the system allows him to get off because he's rich. If I committed a crime, on accident or on purpose, and I could afford to get out of jail... I would and I'm sure you would too.
Basically, I'm just saying in this particular situation it's the systems fault not his.
That explains it 9 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
But I thought we were the eggs, not the sperm
This would be pretty entertaining 19 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
"How to become a single person in less then 60 seconds"
a novel by darkanhell
This is the worst... 32 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
no come baaaaaack, just assuming, because of some context clues... do you have a tumblr and are you a directioner?
Dat President... 7 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I agree, I think he's the coolest president we've had. His "birth video" was the funniest XD.
really is 8 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
It's really getting problematic... I have a list of like 30 (most are famous but not too popular) that I fantasize dating and marrying and I feel like I should get a therapist.
a lesson: 55 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I'm not a belieber, but it's not a bad thing or anyones fault if he has enough money to get out of jail. Honestly, he earned it, it had a lot more to do with his publicity then talent in my opinion, but nevertheless he earned it.
God does not want you to twerk 15 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
*furiously applauds*
a lesson: 55 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
oh... ok I get that one. I was just thinking along of the lines of a newspaper headline "Justin Bieber pees in his own mop bucket, how disgusting!" but yeah I get it
Why go to a funeral 12 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
yeah, I kind of want to plan my own funeral, because I don't want my family and loved ones to be sad
Why go to a funeral 12 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
*mexican music*