


— SoccerCh1ck Report User
Gender inequality 120 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I've stopped focusing on feminism in most of the first world countries. Here we are arguing about the social issues about why it's wrong to expect guys to pay for dates, or how women and chivalry and all that confusing crap, when we should be focusing on how in certain countries women still aren't allowed to get the education they deserve and it's legal for men to abuse if "they deserved it". We need to fix that before we're ever able to move on to the other stuff.
Gender inequality 120 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I understand that, but in all honesty, the only way we'll get past anything is if we stop categorizing everything and labeling it with a stereotype. Many woman can't do what many men can do. Many men can't do what a lot of women can do. It goes both ways. Focus on the individual.
Gender inequality 120 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
to zmatrixing, that's incorrect, women NEED leave for about 1 week throughout the entire pregnancy for most white collar jobs, however, because people make it the stereotypical women roll to take care of the children, they are socially forced to take a leave for months. Most people don't know this but there is such thing as paternity leave. My male teacher took a 3 week paternity leave when his child was born, and his wife continued working, while he took care of the child. So, no it's not women that are unable to work during and after pregnancy, it's usually men who are unwilling or find it wrong that they should take leave instead.
a lesson: 55 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
peeing in a mop bucket? what's wrong with that one?
God does not want you to twerk 15 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I feel like everyone being so against it, is what makes it so degrading. In all honesty, who cares, it's not me or anyone I know let them do what they want. But by saying "this is so degrading to the female image, this is not ok" is what actually makes it degrading and not ok. Or at least that's what I think.
Epic rugby catch! 24 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Teamwork makes the dreamwork
This should be my school anthem 16 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Twinkle twinkle jocks and players
keep your weiner under layers
in your boxers where they should stay
but you take it out every day
twinkle twinkle jocks and players
it's your fault too if you lay her
Do you ever just... 23 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Simply Africa 19 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I've actually volunteered at zoos, and this isn't uncommon, there are a couple ways to move large, dangerous animals, if you have the balls, grab them and put them where they need to go, or you have to shoot them with etorphine (immobilizes them for a bit), but those are pricey and if you trust the animal, you simply do the first. He's probably just moving the lion to the cages to get fed or have social time, he's definitely not hurting him, the lion would let him know if it was being hurt lol.
Dad joke in John Green's The Fault in Our Stars 17 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Daily Dose Of Cringe 16 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
pretty sure that's Dave
You missed a spot 5 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Leave it, it's perfect for snowman building.
You thought it was a mistake, didn't you? 19 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
maybe they meant "The Americas" ?
A compliment is a compliment 24 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I didn't really mean to imply I was fishing for downvotes, I just wanted to explain myself and didn't really know how to jump into that topic.
*awkwardly shuffles away from this discussion* toodaloo
I'm not usually one for posting videos, but this was quite a thought-provoker. 25 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
However, I do feel like depending on where someone lives, there is always a general agreement of what beauty is. In most countries beauty could be easily described on a general level with a lot of the population agreeing.
A compliment is a compliment 24 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
... it's not unlikely for it to be between two gay guys. and I wasn't fishing for downvotes, I've become interested in what people consider girl traits and guy traits.
Ex. How hysteria is associated with girls (hysterectomy, female hysteria)
Too true 8 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
In all honesty, it's just as wrong to make fun of people that are naturally curvy, if you saw a thin girl and said something like "she looks like a stick" or anything about that's considered making fun of, there would be an uproar. Just a reminder that we have to be careful what we say and if it can offend don't say it.
p.s. if someone comments stuff like "it's the internet get over it" idc just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's ok, if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all
That's racist! 7 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
*out applauds you*
A compliment is a compliment 24 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
How do you all know they're a girl and a boy?
This place would be too much to handle 14 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Yeah, neither was I but, haters gonna hate *laughs and awkwardly dances away*
Asian student 17 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
A stereotype within a post combating stereotypes... ironic
Mother russia 22 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
oh my gosh, Russia doesn't play...
Its only a little warm said my p.e teacher standing in front of a fan 7 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I'd feel encouraged to move if I had your teacher
This place would be too much to handle 14 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
it should, and the doorknob should be larger aswell but oh whale