


— SoccerCh1ck Report User
No one is illegal 20 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
It is not racist, go look up the definition or racism. And second of all, yes but none of those tribes were one entire race, the Indigenous people of South America still prevailed after Aztecs and other large tribes came to power unlike after Europeans began "colonizing" the area.
My first statement only said, that white imperialists were the first illegal immigrants, and I can't figure out how that is untrue. On a large scale yes they are.
p.s. I haven't heard of a tribe that tried to coup an entire continent, or while we're at it three entire continents and smaller sections of many others.
Directions: Fill turbin with roids 27 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
The fact that you asked "how was that racist" (and technically it isn't racist, but it's stereotypical and kangaROOD) and then your comment about what the pun intends as if we haven't noticed...
are you making a horribly rude joke or are you being serious?
Metal Fans... Awesome As Could Be 17 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Darin what does impala mean? I looked it up and it's an antelope I'm confused... (sorry cuz I just asked a question before)
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Darin, I'm confused about the Obama and Kim Jung Un statement, are you saying the "next Hitler" won't be popularly disliked by his country or that he will be or...?
Restraining order 14 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Well played whome, well played.
However, I don't think many people would automatically recognize Mossy Oak as American and I'm sure even less would look it up.
Directions: Fill turbin with roids 27 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Definitely marty6978, sorry for not making that clear.
No one is illegal 20 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
They were the first large group to begin doing it, and if you refer to small tribes conquering each other, that doesn't count, small tribes never murdered almost an entire race (Native Americans).
Also, they have changed history to try to shine a good light on what was a very horrible time, calling it "colonizing", when in all honesty there were people already there with their own systems of life.
And lastly, there's nothing racist about my comment, racism means a belief that one race is better than another, and my comment made zero implications of that.
Lana Del Rey 6 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
She has nice quotes and an interesting life, and I think the aura of her death makes her seem timeless (she never grew old) and leaves people fascinated.
Idk but that why I find her fascinating (I don't look up to her though).
What is better chicken stripping or chicken strips? 19 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
If only the song was with it
Metal Fans... Awesome As Could Be 17 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I know metal fans are awesome, they make it so much cooler than wooden fans.
There are nice people in the world 4 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Well yeah, I have no problem with the cleaning service, I have a problem with the people who take advantage of it, not like I can do anything about it though...
You're not fat 10 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Can someone explain his right hand (his right our left) I don't understand what I'm seeing
There are nice people in the world 4 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I'm kind of sad because I'm sure some employed people tried to take advantage of this.
underwater hotel 8 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
if I had the money
Finley field 10 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Why is this man not a successful rapper already?
When people ask me to me social 12 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
It's even ruder if they say to me more social
Hobbit's house 2 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Where's the buy button when you need it?
Mama cat and her adopted squirrels 14 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I kind of understand the guests point, they might not die, but who will teach them how to squirrel? They have no one to teach them how to gather nuts and do other cute squirrelly stuff... and i'm not sure as adults they'll be able to live off of what the cat teaches them to do.
Give this man a cookie 7 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Go to spare your innocence
When history began 5 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
But we'll be making mistakes up until all the arctic plates melt and the oceans rise and swallow all land whole...
Chicken strips 5 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
It actually has a song that goes with it
guess it
guess it
it's Milkshake
No one is illegal 20 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
White Imperialists, the first "illegal immigrants"
Directions: Fill turbin with roids 27 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
Are you dumb? Or are you joking? And if you're joking it's a bad joke.
Break the internet 16 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
I did, boy was that a risk, I'd have to venture into the outernet if I had broken it. *wipes sweat of forehead*
Land of the free 13 comments
soccerch1ck · 11 years ago
But don't you kill children whenever you send bombs where ever?? So hasn't every president involved in a war killed a child?