It's so true!!!! gahhhhhh 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I take it way past that and into the land of turning purple. It's mortifying.
Thanks for the chocolate bar 18 comments
This snake should do stand up 5 comments
The shock one feels after graduating high school 8 comments
· 10 years ago
This movie is fantastic! I'm a 30 year old woman and I watch it pretty regularly. After my daughter goes to bed. So I can sing along in all my off key glory with no fear of eye rolling or "Mooooooom! Stop!"
Don't call him Harry 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I would guess that he's been picked on before, either by those unfortunate girls or other people. I absolutely do not condone or endorse that kind of retaliation, but as someone who had to switch to homeschooling due to constant (and sometimes violent) bullying, I can understand resorting to self defense. Definitely not to this extreme though.
Don't call him Harry 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I have to believe there's a little more back story than the heading implies. I'm sure there are exceptions, but in my experience most people don't just snap after a single incident. Although stabbing people is not typically the norm either.
*heavy breathing* 1 comments
· 10 years ago
That dog looks absolutely insane with happiness. Certain foods make me feel the exact same way! I love it.
Frusting thing to happen 8 comments
p*rnstar poverty 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Why thank you. I just had surgery number 10 about 2 weeks ago and am recovering nicely!
p*rnstar poverty 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Sad but true. They have no problem taking my money, but they sure don't actually cover many medical expenses.
p*rnstar poverty 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Or me! I don't have cancer, but the condition I have is kept in check by a form of chemo that will run me almost $10,000 for a 6 month course of treatment. Needless to say, it isn't happening. The insurance industry is all messed up!
Try it and see! Comfy as frick 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I would have been so bold as to claim it is 879 times more comfy. I cannot sleep without my between the knees pillow!
The onion never disappoints 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure I'm much more in the way than that. I'd estimate my time in the way as at least 63%. If you include when my cats and I collide I'm probably closer to 81%.
I want to punch right through it 19 comments
· 10 years ago
It's a deal! I absolutely despise winter (and the inevitable coat of salt that hides under all the ice) so that'sa total win for me!
I want to punch right through it 19 comments
I want to punch right through it 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Gah! This is one of my least favorite parts of late fall and winter. The first time it happens is always kind of awesome, but after the 578th time I'm scraping a quarter inch of ice off all my windows I'm ready to book it for warmer weather.
Come in or Get Out 6 comments
· 10 years ago
To each their own! My taste in music raises a few eyebrows, as a rule, so I figure this would be a good warning.
Come in or Get Out 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm looking this up tomorrow, this belongs in my home. I keep my IPod on shuffle at home and it' a fabulous combination of Veggie Tales, Brand New, The Beatles, and Breaking Benjamin. Among others.
Habits of the Common Bookworm 19 comments
An internal decision 2 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh crabs, that was supposed to be a reply, not a new comment.
Edited 10 years ago
Oh crabs, that was supposed to be a reply, not a new comment.
Dino moth 33 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't mind nice, normal size moths at all. And would never accuse them off trying to eat people. That abomination clearly attained its monstrous size by eating people.
Blanche can't grasp the concept of it 5 comments
· 10 years ago
This show was amazing in so many ways! They actually tackled a lot of tricky subjects in humorous ways, while still staying tactful. Or maybe it was awful and I remember it as amazing because I'd stay up waaaaay too late watching it and eating vanilla bean ice cream, smothered in the canned extra cherries fruit salad, with my grandma when we stayed with her. I cry every time it comes on! :-)
Dino moth 33 comments
· 10 years ago
Not in the least. That crafty little bugger has one thing on its (presumably, given its size) freakishly large mind. That one thing is not what kind of jam you'd like on your toast now that you're a conscious, moving delicacy.