Poor Kermit 5 comments
· 9 years ago
My ex jumps between saying I'm better off without him and telling me he's miserable and hates the choices he's made. But I do realize that if he couldn't commit after 7 years then he never will. I'll never be the person he wants to be with.
Poor Kermit 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Yep. No pictures being posted, but I've been with someone for a year and I still can't get him out of my head. I hate myself for it.
1956 psychiatrists 18 comments
The shittiest job in the world 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Looks like a HazMat suit, which has decontamination policies in place. You don't just scuba dive into shit, there are people that help facility that. It's not as simple as just strapping your stuff,
Edited 9 years ago
The flood doesn't dismiss you, I do 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Or "Life doesn't stop just because it's difficult." Sure, it would be nice if an inch of water was an excuse to just go home and whine, but the reality is that life carries on even if you aren't warm, cozy, and comfortable. But how often, really, is it just a cake walk to get through the day well enough to look down on others? This instructor deserves praise, not criticism.
This was meant to be a reply to nerdsarecool1212
Edited 9 years ago
This was meant to be a reply to nerdsarecool1212
we're not all the same 41 comments
· 9 years ago
I met an absolutely amazing guy on an app that is definitely not meant for dating. We aren't together, but I like to think I got this description so there ARE women like this out there.
Indian teenager next to the 5.5 pound parasite that was growing inside of him 34 comments
· 9 years ago
True story. They're disgusting, I had one and it freaked one of my surgeons out big time because they were not expecting it.
Seriously?! 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Ooooooohhh. That's crazy, I can't imagine it being so cold that that it would impact that part of your life!
Seriously?! 23 comments
· 9 years ago
What do the seasons have to do with how often you bathe? Isn't daily the norm?
Easy parenting trick 10 comments
· 9 years ago
My mom told us that when we lied we grew a red spot on our forehead. Exact same idea, and we believed her until we should have long since known better.
"Yo dawg, I heard you like hand soap..." 7 comments
"Yo dawg, I heard you like hand soap..." 7 comments
We missed this ep 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Technically she is, I suppose... the name of the song came from the movie.
We missed this ep 10 comments
· 9 years ago
That is from the movie Closer, which is absolutely spectacular. I don't understand how so few people have seen it!
During finals like 18 comments
· 9 years ago
I didn't know it was a book stores, I'll definitely check that out. Thanks!
Obese kids should be illegal 43 comments
· 9 years ago
Calorie deficit might be the driving force behind weight loss, but caloric need varies wildly from one person to another. 2 people performing the exact same activity are not going to burn the same number of calories so it's not like you can just point a finger at someone and assume that cutting a few hundred calories a day is the magic answer. It's rather shocking to think that there are really people that think it's that easy across the board. For some people it may be that simple, but it's not the case for everyone. Doctors don't have a damn clue why certain drugs cause weight gain or the inability to lose weight, but reducing your intake to 700 calories a day is a very quick way to make yourself very sick.
Obese kids should be illegal 43 comments
· 9 years ago
I think a lot of the food cost issues do depend on where you live, some places are just not suitable for growing a huge variety of produce or raising livestock so the cost is higher. Mass produced, frozen stuff is more cost efficient.
And theodorerex, to some extent that may be true but there ARE conditions, medications, etc. that impact how food is metabolized. I'm currently on a course of treatment that tends to cause weight gain, so it's been a fight to maintain my weight in spite of the fact that my diet and activity levels haven't changed at all.
And theodorerex, to some extent that may be true but there ARE conditions, medications, etc. that impact how food is metabolized. I'm currently on a course of treatment that tends to cause weight gain, so it's been a fight to maintain my weight in spite of the fact that my diet and activity levels haven't changed at all.
Obese kids should be illegal 43 comments
· 9 years ago
I didn't think much of the 60 hour work week thing until I saw another comment where you said you don't have your high school diploma yet. Are you working that many hours a week while you're in high school?
Obese kids should be illegal 43 comments
· 9 years ago
Good grief. Ok. You must live in an area with unusually cheap grocery stores. I feed my little family of three, including packing lunch for my daughter every day, so I know without a doubt that the majority of meals I cook do indeed cost more than fast food. That is a fact, not an opinion or speculation. Dinner tonight cost me roughly $30, so yes, fast food would be significantly cheaper.
I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, but if you have $5 to your name and you're overworked and stretched thin it's a lot easier to grab 5 McChickens than it is to figure out how to cook a meal with $5. And THAT is a fact. Most of the people I know that are really struggling financially also have to work long hours in jobs that aren't easy on them. The time and effort that a bag of dried beans, fresh produce, and a protein of some sort would require is just not in the cards. So yeah, that taco isn't the best choice (and wouldn't be my choice) but sometimes things aren't so black and white.
I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, but if you have $5 to your name and you're overworked and stretched thin it's a lot easier to grab 5 McChickens than it is to figure out how to cook a meal with $5. And THAT is a fact. Most of the people I know that are really struggling financially also have to work long hours in jobs that aren't easy on them. The time and effort that a bag of dried beans, fresh produce, and a protein of some sort would require is just not in the cards. So yeah, that taco isn't the best choice (and wouldn't be my choice) but sometimes things aren't so black and white.
Obese kids should be illegal 43 comments
· 9 years ago
I didn't miss your point, sparky. I know that no one is going to eat that many bananas. I cook at home 7 nights a week most of the time, I'm very familiar with the cost of groceries. I utilize farmer's markets a great deal because they tend to be cheapest, and I'm very careful to make the most of money. It's a hell of a lot cheaper to run through the drive through at McDonald's than it is to cook a healthy, balanced meal a lot of the time. If you're talking about fruit or veggies as a snack then yes, it's probably cheaper than junk. And there are some meals that are cheap and super healthy. But a varied and diverse diet that is nutritionally sound is NOT cheaper than convenience foods in most cases.
I made the statement about not eating a bunch of bananas as a meal because you made the comment that someone could get a pound of bananas instead of a taco.
I made the statement about not eating a bunch of bananas as a meal because you made the comment that someone could get a pound of bananas instead of a taco.
Obese kids should be illegal 43 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm not defending people that eat their way into health issues and an early grave, but I think the issue is that yes, a pound of bananas might be less than a buck but who is really going eat 3 or 4 bananas at a time? Sadly, it IS cheaper and easier to buy something junky that at least resembles a meal than it is to make a balanced, healthy meal.
That said, parents do have a responsibility to ensure that their kids are getting real food and spending enough time being active.
That said, parents do have a responsibility to ensure that their kids are getting real food and spending enough time being active.