

We're all mad here...

— snugglebutt Report User
beautiful blue eyed boy from nepal 8 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
Oh my God yes! Because exploiting a cute kid for likes secretly totally makes you special! And won't draw the attention of predators. This site sucks these days. 11 year olds with smart phones?
If you're old enough to try to do anything for those less fortunate than you then DO IT! Otherwise, don't use some kid's eye color to get useless "like"
#FirstWorldProblems 7 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
I'm not trying to be dense but could someone explain this to me? I get the irony in the First World Problems meme but this is lost on me.
It's called persuasive language 14 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
"Fam" implies a level of acquaintance that I guess I just don't see when I have seen people use it.
It's called persuasive language 14 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
Hmmmmmm. My mom would laugh in my face (and rightfully so, in my opinion) if I ever said that. It just sounds disrespectfully casual in every setting I've heard it used.
It's called persuasive language 14 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
Every time I hear someone say fam I want to rip their hair out. I have literally never heard someone use that when speaking to an actual family member.
ahh 11 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
Aaaaaahhhh! The first one! The Devil And God is my favorite. album. EVER!
*sniff* 7 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
I saw something a lot like that on Engrish many moons and occasionally I still randomly think of it and laugh.
Old caramel apples are out, this is in 8 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
If you make your own caramel you can make it extra thick. Once it cools it would set, just like the little chewy caramel squares that you buy at the store.
So China's ending their one-child policy 6 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
People didn't abide by it anyway, they just had to get by on enough for their one child. Then the illegal child couldn't get a job or leave the country (due to their illegal status) so they were stuck living under their parents rooves indefinitely. The population was, and will be, the same but perhaps now at least those people will be able to get jobs or leave the country and actually contribute to society legally. And, you know, be treated like actual human beings.
He-Man! 15 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
Personality type has a lot to do work eating disorders too. And personal history. People who crave order and purpose in life, who also experience a trauma beyond their control are more likely to develop an eating disorder. It's not an addiction, it's a form of coping or taking control of one's life, usually both.
I need a kitten :( 4 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
The name of a cat, as a matter of fact.
I need a kitten :( 4 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
But kittens turn into cats then they don't fit in your pocket any more but they still think they do so you end up with a clawed chest, a ripped pocket, and a cat who gave up and sat on your shoulder in an angry, disappointed way.
I just found that Instagram has a self harm and eating disorder section in their help cent 15 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
I hate to bring the comment section down but... I actually called the suicide prevention hotline not terribly long ago and got put on hold. Like for a long time. And while it's no one's job but my own to find ways to work through my issues, and I'm absolutely sure that their volunteers have greater volume than they can sometimes care for, in that moment that one last straw that I was grasping at seemed to be mocking me.
Obviously I worked through it but that was honest to god one of the most ironic, upsetting things I've experienced in a very long time.
I didn't realize how metal pineapples are 26 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
I really don't know anything about 5SoS, so I can't speak to any of that personally. If what you say is true then that's pretty crappy of them. I just went on my little One Direction rant because I was blown away after I got dragged to the concert (my daughter is 12, she wasn't going on her own) and realized those guys actually do have some serious talent.
But thank you for your perspective on things, it's always good to have different views on things!
I didn't realize how metal pineapples are 26 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
Sorry for the rant, but the comment that 5SoS is nothing but a "boy band" because they tied with One Direction really annoyed me. That statement in particular struck a chord because.... who the fuck cares? Music snobs, to me, are often narrow minded sheep that just can't bring themselves to admit to listening to anything other than their one specific, cooler than yours genre.
Music snobbery will never be cool kids!
I didn't realize how metal pineapples are 26 comments
snugglebutt · 8 years ago
As a pretty staunch classic rock, alt rock, and metal fan.... One Direction put on one hell of a show. I saw them on the Civic Tour and was genuinely impressed.
They don't lip sync and those boys have some SERIOUS pipes on them. No joke.
They did a WHOLE lot of research on our area, enough so that they could roll local info into their little breaks when they were talking.
They also dedicated a good 15 minutes to picking out signs people had and actually talking to them and taking pictures with them. And stopped between songs to thank everyone there because they know people work hard for their money and they hoped that they could make it worth it for everyone there, including the parents who got dragged along.
I can't say I'd go all crazy for them, but I took my daughter as a birthday gift and I genuinely left with a great deal of respect for them. If they just faked all that gratitude and humility then they should be acting not singing, because I bought it.
Unique and absolutely beautiful kitchen 7 comments
snugglebutt · 9 years ago
Ooooooooohhh, you might be right! My phone is cracked so it's hard to see but that would make it pretty much my dream kitchen! That one silly faucet makes a big difference.
Unique and absolutely beautiful kitchen 7 comments
snugglebutt · 9 years ago
It's beautiful! But unless the stove hood is covering it, it doesn't appear to have a pasta arm and that's a shame in such a gorgeous kitchen!
That's True Happiness 9 comments
snugglebutt · 9 years ago
Ha! I wondered if anyone would get that reference, or if I'd just like a gun toting nut.
That's True Happiness 9 comments
snugglebutt · 9 years ago
No, happiness is a warm gun. Bang bang shoot shoot.
You never know someone's life 76 comments
snugglebutt · 9 years ago
What about a situation where a married woman takes multiple precautions against pregnancy but still gets pregnant and carrying to full term would kill both mother and child? Or when a fetus is found to have congenital defects not compatible with life? I was fortunate to not have to experience the former, but it was a risk I was scared of every time I had sex with my husband (which ultimately ended my marriage, as it were). There are times when a baby is absolutely loved, adored, and wanted, but is either going to be fatal for mother and child or they're going to live minutes or hours before dying a horrific death. That, to me, is not the same as someone using abortion as birth control (which I vehemently oppose).
You never know someone's life 76 comments
snugglebutt · 9 years ago
They will whether they should or not. My issue is with the fact that they blatantly ignore all the other services that are provided and harass every person that steps through the doors without acknowledging the public health aspect.
You never know someone's life 76 comments
snugglebutt · 9 years ago
There are always two sides to a given situation, and you'll inevitably run into q few obnoxious jerks who have to be hostile to state an opinion.I've kept fairly quiet here lately for just that reason, but this struck a nerve so I figured I'd throw in my stance. I genuinely respect your statement that you are going to think and analyze before automatically reacting! That takes a very thoughtful and open-minded person.
You never know someone's life 76 comments
snugglebutt · 9 years ago
I really, really wish the PRO-LIFE people would consider this side of their cause. Planned Parenthood does far more prenatal and after care, as well as birth control and STD testing for rape victims that are too scared to see their regular doctors, than abortions. Attacking the entity as a whole, as opposed to a single medical practice, is just not going to be effective anyway.
My favorite anime - Spirited Away 29 comments
snugglebutt · 9 years ago
I love this movie! I watch it at least twice a month!