How to not die while getting off an escalator 6 comments
· 9 years ago
That was horrible! I can't imagine knowing that you're getting pulled into a belt mechanism but still having the presence of mind to carefully push your child to safety. She got her baby away before she was pulled in, by that time her feet had to have already gotten caught in the gears but she rose above the pain and terror to make sure her son survived. I hope that if I'm ever in such a terrifying situation I'll have half that strength.
it's true 13 comments
Stupid people everywhere 24 comments
Me. 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Shirtless Brendon on stage is the wallpaper on my work computer! I got a truly fabulous picture at their concert last year.
The cover of TIME magazine 22 comments
· 9 years ago
pokethebear, I thought your account was a pretty solid depiction. It's really sad to me that a small group of people on both sides of this (the cops who will now stand trial and the rioters and arsonists) are being portrayed as the representatives of their cultures. The noisy, disruptive minority always seem to overshadow the rational, good people in every group, be it political, religious, cultural, ethnic, or any other group.
The cover of TIME magazine 22 comments
· 9 years ago
famousone, I too was wondering if mrclever understands that word for a couple of reasons. The main reason being the following excerpt, "So in protest, most have taken to the streets to get the word out about what's going on in these supposedly trustworthy police stations, and have been assaulted by police in riot gear to stop. Some of the protests are peaceful, and some are not." I was not aware that setting buildings on fire then cutting the fire hoses was considered getting the word out.
I'm not psychic, but I am entirely certain that mrclever would feel differently if that was his home or business being used to "get the word out". Sorry for the novel!
I'm not psychic, but I am entirely certain that mrclever would feel differently if that was his home or business being used to "get the word out". Sorry for the novel!
The girl from Pans Labyrinth today 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh my god, she is gorgeous! And that's the best movie ever, eyeball hand guy is one of those movie characters that creeps me out every single time I watch it still.
A good actor 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm one of those people that gets on board with the villain, I guess. Not sure why that corrected to children the first time around...
Edited 9 years ago
A good actor 20 comments
· 9 years ago
That whole series was an exercise in moral conflicting. Walter was a very relatable villain. And Hank was a very unpleasant "hero".
What people eat in a hospital (Belgium) 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Jello is amazing and I love it! After have nothing to eat after 4 pm the day before surgery and nothing really solid to eat in the hospital for 3 days afterward made me hateful even toward that jiggly fabulousness though.
Rape jokes aren't funny. 80 comments
· 9 years ago
Some states have stand your ground laws or castle doctrines that say just that. But that typically refers to an intruder or threat within your home or private property.
Also, freedom of speech is a right and people are always free to disagree with someone's opinion. Violent retaliation against someone whose words offend you, no matter how vulgar, is illegal. Threatening to sodomize someone whose words offend you doesn't prove a point, and in many places such a threat is in fact criminal behavior, which completely defeats the intended purpose. But the second part here is just my musings, the first part is the relevant reply!
Also, freedom of speech is a right and people are always free to disagree with someone's opinion. Violent retaliation against someone whose words offend you, no matter how vulgar, is illegal. Threatening to sodomize someone whose words offend you doesn't prove a point, and in many places such a threat is in fact criminal behavior, which completely defeats the intended purpose. But the second part here is just my musings, the first part is the relevant reply!
What people eat in a hospital (Belgium) 17 comments
· 9 years ago
The hospital I was in not too long ago had awesome food! Except if you were on a liquid diet post op, which I was, in which case you got chicken broth, decaf coffee, decaf iced tea, and jello. Seeing the people pushing carts of actual food down the hall past my room was torture.
Dark Humor. Warning. 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Stumbled onto this and have to add:
Q: Why did the dead baby cross the road?
A: Because it was stapled to the chicken.
Q: Why did the dead baby cross the road?
A: Because it was stapled to the chicken.
Waiting is good 3 comments
· 10 years ago
They will rush you through and back into a room very quickly if you are bleeding profusely. I got bumped up to the front of the line in January when I got 16 stitches in my arm. I felt extra special.
Scooping out a strawberry 23 comments
Why couldn't I see this before! 10 comments
· 10 years ago
That actually made me feel a little better, men turn me into a socially awkward nerd that babbles about books and produce. True story: I once spent the majority of a first date rambling about how excited I was to find pineapples for $2 at a local farmers market.
Leagues aside, I'm content to admire attractive men from afar and spend my nights with my books. Unless I meet an attractive man that runs a roadside vegetable stand, that is.
Leagues aside, I'm content to admire attractive men from afar and spend my nights with my books. Unless I meet an attractive man that runs a roadside vegetable stand, that is.
Bad luck Brian as an old man 6 comments
Why couldn't I see this before! 10 comments
· 10 years ago
That's so totally obviously my problem! Except I'm a girl, so it's guys that think I'm out of their league. Bahahaha OK, it was nice to dream for a minute.
Poor guy 85 comments
· 10 years ago
No, actually deadpool is quite right. There's a big difference between most felons and pedophiles. You can rarely rehabilitate a pedophile, they're reoffenders. I do not tend to believe in permanently removing people from society, but some people just cannot be let loose in the general public. I personally KNEW a man that sexually assaulted his toddler son, and because of laws protecting felons got out of prison, moved 1,200 miles away and then raped his 3 year old daughter. He fucked a 3 year old. Some people should NEVER be allowed to merge into the general population. If he had been branded maybe his daughter should have been spared.
How Fight Club started 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Chuck Palahniuk is a pretty awesome author, anyone who likes Fight Club should definitely read his other novels, they're equally dark, witty, and excellently written.
Fixing racism 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I'll take my elephants where I can get them. The elephant in MY room is missing an ear, so I'll enjoy this fully intact elephant for the nonce.