"Some are famous, but they stay people. Everyone goes mad about them, and I don't know why. They are just normal people. They were born, went to school."
— SnowySnowstorm Report User
So... Bread? 3 comments
· 10 years ago
WOW.Such sand. Very cool. Much chill. 2 comments
For those of us born before the new millennium 25 comments
Jensen Ackles has a perfect face 26 comments
Ain't nobody got time fo dat 7 comments
Who's better ? :D 5 comments
Come find out 8 comments
· 10 years ago
It's vegetarians trying to convince you that a breadloaf is equal to meatloaf.
The consequences of not wearing a helmet 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Helmets are really important in my sport(horse riding). Recently a child died when she fell from a horse wearing no helmet. Even cowboys wear built-in helmets
I want to join the Turkey club 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I would camp there and every homeless animal that came I would take home
Boomslang aka the nope snake found in nopetown, africa 36 comments
· 10 years ago
Neh I don't want others to fuck up my life, so guilty or not, Oscar or being a Pistorius isn't going to make me jump to defend my family. Aside from my mother and brother
Edited 10 years ago
Boomslang aka the nope snake found in nopetown, africa 36 comments
· 10 years ago
I remember once as we took a walk in Kruger National Park(in Africa, we lived there for a while, then moved back to Italy, because we are ItalianxScottish) and this huge boomslang fell from a tree right in infront of us. They are called Boomslang, which means "Tree Snake" in Afrikaans
Hold my beer while I go for a swim 10 comments
Comic to movie transformation - ironman 4 comments
What kind of filthy casual 28 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm a female who plays games, but not the type who seeks attention. I sometimes play casual games, sometimes hardcore games, and I love Sims. And yes, that is a casual game.