

I am just a very thin layer of charming with some funny sprinkles wrapped around a huge creamy center of raging arrogant a-hole.

— Smitty Report User
Backfire 10 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
That's called education, scientific literacy and Skepticisim.
Backfire 10 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
And paid them, in addition to falsifying data.
Don't forget to clear all the snow off your vehicle 11 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
A few years ago in New Hampshire this happened except a piece went through a SUV windshield and killed a six year old girl.

We now have a law in place for this and many states are folloing suit where this is classified as negligence, heavilly finable and/or arrestable.

The gross negligance (and selfish inconsiterance) above would have been arrestable; causing the suspension of his license, loss of DOT certification and ending his trucking career.

This GIF isn't funny. It's potentially fatal.
Y'all approve of this? 13 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
There exists only two possibilities here.
Either she comes home to you or she does not.

If she does, she's yours. If she doesn't, she never was.

Seriously fellas, don't say anything about it. It only makes you out to be the bad guy.
Ultraviolet photography reveals the unexpected fluorescence of flowers 7 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Well, bees and other insects see in UV, the UV visible markings on flowers are practically runway lights for them.
“Ethnic” section in Finland 5 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
You're lucky to get the Fluff. You can't get it in most parts of the US and this is where it's from!
You never say no to this man 25 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Nanny state liberals who need someone to regulate their life for them.
Opposed to say, Real Adults who are perfectly capable of adulting, thank you very much.
Follow the rules 21 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
And these are the same parents that complain about you being almost 30 with no BF/GF, fiance or being unmarried.

"What's wrong with you? When are you going to settle down with a nice person and give us some grandkids?"

"First of all Mom/Dad, its not my job to squeeze out spawn just for your enjoyment. Thats irresponsable and selfish
Second, did you ever stop and think that just maybe, your draconian approach to "parenting" crippled my social development, preventing me from finding someone meaningful for my future?"
Then how would they serve you? 18 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
The silver lining is that this is a federal felony animal cruelty offense and carries a sentance of ten years.
The other flight attendants on board stand to face accessory to felony animal cruelty and United as a whole could face obstruction of justice charges.
How Dutch people cross the canals in Amsterdam during the winter 3 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Her: Hey baby, come over.
Me: I can't the roads are frozen.
Her: My parents aren't home.
Me: ...
Leopards 10 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
The interior of a pink convertable Cadillac.
Vaccination ingredients list 15 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Vaccines don't have mercury in them, not anymore... and they barely did to begin with.

They used to contain a preservative called thimerisol, a component of which is ethyl mercury. It is a harmless compound in that concentration and was easily metabolised by the human body. You'd get more mercury from eating a tuna fish sandwich than you would a vaccine.

It has been removed from all but one vaccine, motivated by placating the ignorant and scientific fear mongering.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail 1974 4 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Rich Dude In Porsche Tries To Win Girl's Heart With A Gigantic Teddy Bear But... 3 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Well... the One Child policy has caused a gender gap disparity of 50 million 20-30 year old men that will never get married.

The women know it too and they are using to their often brutal advantage. They van be extremely choosy and they know it.

Karmicaly ironic, that the preference for boys to carry on the family name will ultimately cause exactly the opposite to happen.
7 · Edited 6 years ago
This is why I love Twitter 8 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
This Artist Compares Depression To Owning Bad Dogs And It's Bizzarely Accurate 9 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Somstimes my dog runs away for months, even years at a time... but it always comes back.

It always comes back.
Its cute 4 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Like Jagger.
This is why I love Twitter 8 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
... I got that reference.
It's so ironic that it hurts 4 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
Looks like shipping containers to me.

Besides, what about nuclear? Those are electric.
Positano italy 8 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
I'll bet if you look close enough at the roof of the highest building, you'll see Rico Rodriguez.
Gordon Ramsay got the roasting gene 3 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
How about some sentance structure and punctuation? That hurt to read.
Tokio "Moria" anti-flood system 3 comments
smitty · 6 years ago
The end comes soon.
We hear drums, drums in the deep.

They are coming.
I see how it is 6 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Doesn't just add up, total lifetime rad count is perminant and everything adds to it. Plane flights, X-Rays, living in mountainous areas...
Living and commuting in New York City, passing through Grand Central Station daily probably adds to the count.

I think even being a bannana farmer might be quantifiable.
A 90s kid 10 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
I disagree. The decade by which you identify with should be the decade in which you start to form perminant memories and start to come of age, NOT the decade born.

This young lady is a Naugties Kid, not a Nineties Kid.
But they don't apologize 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
I have a past and the thoughts I have that some may call wisdom were earned the hard way.