

I am just a very thin layer of charming with some funny sprinkles wrapped around a huge creamy center of raging arrogant a-hole.

— Smitty Report User
FPV mario kart IRL by Hackerloop 9 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Sure, this is cool and all, but Rooster Teeth beat them to it with their show Immersion. By eight years in fact.


But they don't apologize 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
The man who would accept that as an "apology" is a week willed fool, one who deserves the sort who thinks that is an appropriate apology and would offer it.

This isn't, "sorry you had a rough day at work," or "sorry I punched you in my sleep," territory. This is a gross breach of trust. If she doesnt trust him to stoop to that level, why is she even with him?

Intimacy isn't a tool, bargining chip, bribe or get out of trouble free card, it's supposed to be (mostly) recreational adult fun. A relationship that devolves to that point is one that's in trouble.

This doesn't even make me angry, just sad. Disapointed and sad.
6 · Edited 7 years ago
Spotting the scorpion with UV light 2 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Notice 10 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Yup. You're not locking your kids out, you're locking your privacy in. Stop feeling bad about it.
When in Rome 8 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Uhhh... Vesuvius buried Pompeii in 79 AD, that road was built in 312.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
When in Rome 8 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Yes it does, but some of those states actually take care of their roads... while others most decidedly do not.
Noble -- here I come 4 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
* the laws of physics as we currently understand them, but the point still stands.
Try it, and feel the dry butt 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Proofreading memes before posting, +1 upvotes.
· Edited 7 years ago
Slithery noodle 7 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
It's a nope rope!
Or you're part of Peaky Blinders 12 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
There's that damned 'ur' again.
Pays to know what you're talking about 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Just like the shitbag "reporter" interviewing Mayim Blalik on the red carpet.

"Do you understand the equations they write on the board or anything they talk about?"
*condescending chuckle*

"Uh, yeah. I have a doctorate in Neurology."
Have we gone too far? 10 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Because the internet and it's power STILL isn't taken seriously in the broad sense.
An old man that never left the emo phase 185 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Angry shadow?
Doesn't have to be school 6 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
U? Ur?
Yeah, you failed.
An old man that never left the emo phase 185 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Electric rat.
One hell of a sneeze 7 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Loosten the hinges? Man, that door done just fell off.
It's simple 14 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Oh yeah, that's the one where they do a background check on you before you buy it to make sure you're not a supevillan.
2 · Edited 7 years ago
You've been smoking 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Da bunny, da bunny... ohhh I want da bunny.
The struggle is real 6 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
No, but I'll bet they work in the IT department of an institution that employs people with multiple PhDs.
4 · Edited 7 years ago
Quick maths 2 comments
smitty · 7 years ago you post and comment with a nerd designed device on a network invented by nerds using a communication protocol engineered by nerds.

I guess I'll just love myself 4 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Regardless of the company policy, there's a supervisor/subordinate dynamic going on here.

While the "hooker" sentiment is a bit of a grey area and arguably an overreaction, the proposal is still an HR reportable complaint.
17k is what I'm aiming for 10 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Check the start up menu and see what is launching when Windows boots up. It's probably a bunch of BS bloat that really doesn't need to run in the background constantly.

Wi-Fi controller, Windows updater, anti-virus? Sure.
Spell check for Word, single application update monitors, media player B.S.? Not when you aren't effing using them, that's for damned sure.

Also look at the applications that are for features that your machine doesn't even have, like Bluetooth, touch screen and on screen keyboard. Don't have them or use them? Turn that shit off. Desktop PC connected to a LAN? You do not need power monitor/regulation or Wi-Fi. Kill it.
Turn off the extraneous horseshit and you may find that your PC runs even faster than it did when new.
Billions and millions 7 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Yeah, where are those feed the poor crybabies now, huh?
Where were they during the Superbowl or the world series?
Where will they be during the college basket ball finals when the schools and the league(s) will be raking in the money hand over fist but the players don't see a single fucking dime?
Don't ragequit 6 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
** YOU DIED **
Listen to your mothers, kids! 7 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
*hoopy frood.