

I am just a very thin layer of charming with some funny sprinkles wrapped around a huge creamy center of raging arrogant a-hole.

— Smitty Report User
PvP 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Lemme tell you something here sparky, if the unmodified game mechanics allow it, I'm going to do/use it. Save your sniveling crybaby complaints for the devs who are rightfully going to laugh at you.

Get good and go hard or go home.
First day 17 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
That comes as HR and security escort him from the building after he's terminated... a termination that will preclude him from receiving unemployment

It could even be an ambush termination where HR and security meet him at his cubical and ask him to step away from the desk and be supervised as he packs his things. Any personal files he might have on company issued equipment like desktop, laptop or cell will be forefit after they are confiscated and turned into IT for evidentiary investigation.

This alone is immediately terminable, but depending on the sort of reputation he might already have, replace security with police.

I'd say it's a safe bet that HR has already had words with this creep. She may not want to, but in the interest of the safety of others, charges need to be pressed against him so it goes on his permanent record. A record that will show up on every background for every future job he attempts to apply for.
Running skype on startup 5 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Click start, click search.
Type msconfig and press enter.
Click on the start up tab.
Scroll through the list and uncheck Skype.

You're welcome.
A sandwich a day... 1 5 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Been there, can confirm.
DateCheri 4 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Pops wants some great-grandkids before he's too old.
7 · Edited 7 years ago
He took it literally 9 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
That's a good point, numbers DO reflect a quantity after all.
Bathtub quadcopter 6 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
What, that got a downvote?

Asking if this is the work of the maniac Brittish nutter and inventor Colin Furze who is exactly the sort of person who would build something like this?
An inventor who built a flying bike and holds several Guinness book records including world's fastest loo, pram, bumper car and mobility scooter. Thinking he built a flying bathtub is a safe bet.

Dafuq is wrong with you people?
Bathtub quadcopter 6 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Colin Furze I presume?
Georgian dancing with swords 4 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Maybe this will help:
He took it literally 9 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
A poorly written list and a direct, literal and logical thinking person. Perhaps an engineer.
Pupper protects against the monster under the bowl 1 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Looks like a Vallhund.
Taxiway above a highway in Germany 5 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
And Atlanta. Runway complex three goes right over 285 near the south end 85/285 interchange.
Happens. Every. F**king. Time!!! And they roast me this way!!! 11 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
It's funny that a pic of Jim Carey was used for this considering he's an anti-vaxxer.
Grammar nazi attempts to teach mark hamill over grammar and regrets it immediately 7 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Well that was a rollercoster...
...or is it, "rollercoaster, it was?"

The Porg-tatoes were a nice touch too.
Safety first. 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Not a bad idea actually. If the worksite has a cat mascot, a safety vest is a good idea becasue as we know, cats do have the habit of getting underfoot.
Valhalla 30 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Not gonna lie, this got me teary and hardcore choked up.

In an odd way, it reminds me of the H,FY! stories. That said, what should we call this genre? Valhalla, Eff Yeah?
6 · Edited 7 years ago
The nu-male duckface 7 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Sounds like the new PC term for betas.
Keychain mini-gun that shoots 10 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Wee lil'? Look up the XM214. That thing was tiny!
Someone make it happen 5 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Is that why we are born crying and screaming then?
Dark forest cake 3 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Looks like it could be a Nightmare Before Christmas cake.
"oh look, an airstrike. Better find some kids and take photos of them." 17 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Kids, napalm and Korea? You've got the wrong war dude.
10 · Edited 7 years ago
Keychain mini-gun that shoots 10 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
That? No the Warthog mounts a GAU-8/A Avenger, a 30mm cannon.
The XM196 is an M134 variant for the Cheyenne and is 7.62mm.

Also worth noting is that any equipment with an XM number is experimental equipment and may never have been fielded. Like the XM8 and the XM214.
Keychain mini-gun that shoots 10 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Why that variant in particular?
The recipe for infinite energy 9 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
No, you've made a grenade.
Courtesy of the Flat Earth Society 29 comments
smitty · 7 years ago
Satire? Maybe, but the idiocy or humans has proven to be boundless of late and I find this very easy to believe.

The problem I have is being able to coment on this matter without becoming immediately and extremely insulting, profane and rude. That's not really me anymore so... what ever.