Flash Dethray


— Flash Dethray Report User
Not Ha Ha Funny 3 comments
smileyoufucker · 4 weeks ago
It's illegal to fill a pothole in California.
1 · Edited 4 weeks ago
Remember remember the 8th of Roevember .. 12 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Can confirm I was the Missy
Why is it a hexagon? 5 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Black Cube of Saturn
Olbers’ Paradox is discovered, circa 1823 1 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Big Light lying again.
Raise a couple of kids with your eldritch necromancy 5 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
This generation is set to do worse than the generation before it.
Fillosuffee 6 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Manufactured Consent
Anon gets blasted 1 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Damn son
He he he 15 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Gulf of Tonkin
Operation Northwoods
Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal
Project Paperclip
Jeffrey Epstein
The Federal Reserve/Creature from Jekyll Island
Various Military Coups/Operations around the world e.g.:The reason for the Iraq War
Tuskegee Experiment

Just to name a few
A fool and his money.... 4 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Ha! Chump!
Uhhh ohhh? 5 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Fascism just means anything you don't like.
Calling yourself alpha is such a beta move 4 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Hierarchy not only exists, it's biological.
Absolut Legend 4 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Gif as in go jack!
You wouldn't download a Yppërlig 2 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Johnny Cash has a song like this.
Your favourite song is 25 years old 13 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Gentle on my Mind.
Australian army in the European theater of WWII 12 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Fucking Emus.
Under no pretext... 3 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Reference vs Embroidery 6 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
It would make living in japanese POW camp look like a vacation 4 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Cut fingers lengthwise.
I mean yeah, good one actually. 6 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
Everyone is marginalized somehow. People define themselves by groups and oppositions.
Nana Tabitha, bless her heart... 3 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago
*shrieks angrily*
Answer the question 3 comments
smileyoufucker · 2 years ago