User smierc_sniezynka Banned

Yikes 1 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
Mine are Putin
Learning french atm, freaking weird. 5 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
My native tongue doesn't have articles, imagine learning gender differences there...I always imagine english words with genders too. For example, it's odd to me that cup from Beauty and the Beast is ....a boy (cup is feminine in my language) and his mother is female. It's very difficult for subtitling. For example- He ran away -Who? That cup ran away (she, we gender "that"' as well as "cup", AND "ran")
6 · Edited 7 years ago
Pretty tough 6 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
Not a London 2017 terrorist attack police officer. Too Soon?
· Edited 7 years ago
New clock design 1 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
You can actualy tell, at least quarter past time (as you can see hand is not exactly at 10)
Save Mother Nature from the People 10 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
Of course.Id be glad to.T-Rex = a species in Tyrranosaurus genus. Genus lasted two million years. Human's (Homos sapiens) genus, Homo, started 3 million years ago. Dinosaurs is neither species, nor genus, it's a clade. Our clade is primates. It's almost 100 million years old. Dinosaurs lasted from 200 mil to 60 mil years ago (140 mil.) If we count our clade, We'll be here muuuuch longer than Dinosaur clade. And if they weren't wiped out, their offsprings would look like humans probably, just as we, and primates and mammals evolved from their "brother" clade of saur-o-pods.
Communism will rise again 18 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
@isuck479, I'm the opposite side, I will fight you till death.... but you are one of the rare people I respect here.
Found this in random and wanted to bring it back up 10 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
Japanese cartoon characters got wider eyes when americans liberated Japan in 1945.
Take the risk 10 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
Fatter friend
Communism will rise again 18 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
Communism already risen in half o' Europe : (
Save Mother Nature from the People 10 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
Wrong. Again. Why are you calling humans just a blip? You mix dinosaurs and humans... that's not the same thing. The same thing would be Tyrranosaurus Rex (not the same as Tyrranosaurus). TRex is a specie. Of Tyrranosaurus (genus) and the whole genus spans 2 mil.years. Our Homo (genus, no homo) spans 3 mil.years! Or smilodons or whatever you can think of. Dinosaurs is a clade. Like primates or whatever is above that. And that's, like, many tens of millions of years, even hundreds. And we just begun. I most certainly bekieve we will last at least 100, or 200 millions more, if not we, than our clade brothers (twice more than dinos). In the end, we will definitely be this planet's longest lasting as well as we are greatest creation!
· Edited 7 years ago
Save Mother Nature from the People 10 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
Hahaha, Guest, you're the man. I've been trying to explain this to too many people... .they just don't get it. They're either too young or too communist. Probably both. They just lose it when you tell them government is paying YOU.... Free is never good. But what do they know. They think paying taxes is hoax. They don't get They're basically buying the roads, and school material, and everything. They just want everything free. But functional. That's not gonna happen.
They are trying to get unborn 10 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
But rarely head first. And also you might be the first one with some women, someone has to be. So every mother had to let someone enter first and then someone else exit.... ....... except Virgin Mary........ OMG ......Jesus made Mary unvirgin. OMG.
Why did the turkey cross the road 1 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
To get to the european part of Istanbul...
Save Mother Nature from the People 10 comments
smierc_sniezynka · 7 years ago
Hoomans ARE also part of nature. Should we stop all our industry? Should we walk everywhere to stop exhaustion pipe gases? Should we stop paper production? Or not have 1.5 billion cows that fart and make our planet glass house? If we stop any of that We'll just step back few centuries, and that kind of society can't support 7 billion Hoomans. So, humans should thin their numbers so some stupid fishes can survive? We are also this nature's children.