Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack
— smbadat Report User
Whenever a famous funsub user comments on my post I fangirl a little 252 comments
· 8 years ago
So someone downvoted me for saying bookhoarder was a guy.
Do people LIKE being ignorant?
Do people LIKE being ignorant?
I would definently watch this show. 11 comments
If you comment, I'll describe how I see you :) 173 comments
If you comment, I'll describe how I see you :) 173 comments
Hope (spooky story) 12 comments
Scandinavian weather forecast 9 comments
Cookies find a way 3 comments
Should I Stay or Should I Go 18 comments
Like cute tiny people cursing like hell 47 comments
· 8 years ago
I once pulled out my printed Cards Against Humanity for my friends and I to play during our off period. A girl, who was a friend of one of the members of our group asked if she could join in. We all thought she was innocent, and wouldn't play for long. Guess who won?
Ancient Egyptian Nerds 6 comments
Does the fact that he likes MLP and things of the sort really affect you at all?
Is it your business what he likes or not?
He may have insulted people in the past, but thats exactly what it is: THE PAST.
So instead of digging up old shit, why not leave him alone and go about your own life?