Is this just me guys? 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Once you have finished these Steps you can also tuck the tail part of the towel up and so it holds better.
The internet is now closed on Sundays 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I heard once...there was a place called the outernet...and my friend ventured to try and find it once...and they didn't come back..
Probably not a real Story,but the Scenario is sad 52 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes I see your point but ns did say that suicide is selfish. And I get, in a way it is. But what we're saying is that people thinking of committing suicide see it as no other way out of what they find themselves stuck in. The help might be there but they don't see it or might not think they are worthy of even being helped. As my first reply to ns stated, they don't see it from another point of view. They don't see that there could be a brighter future, they just see this never ending road of darkness, and to them suicide is the only way out.
Edit: mgoveia, I wasn't meaning to 'Pile' on ns as you said. I see it from ns' point and get what they are saying but they didn't show in the comment that they understood what it was like from the point of view from someone committing suicide. That is why I said except in my first reply.
Edited 10 years ago
Edit: mgoveia, I wasn't meaning to 'Pile' on ns as you said. I see it from ns' point and get what they are saying but they didn't show in the comment that they understood what it was like from the point of view from someone committing suicide. That is why I said except in my first reply.
Just davinci trolling humanity 11 comments
· 10 years ago
My bad guest, I'm typing on my phone so sorry if there are any mistakes that i didn't pick up on.
Wat 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Are you sure? I've always thought it was the degree of toastyness too
Fighting the good fight.✊ 8 comments
· 10 years ago
My friends family put a Christmas tree up in July for a midwinter Christmas dinner, and they just never took it down and left it up till after Christmas. The tree is currently still up.
Cirque Du Freak? Demonata series? Anyone 56 comments
· 10 years ago
Finally! Someone else who's heard of it! Jen is amazing :D I'm just about to read the last book the recently came out. It's my favourite series :D
Never be held by zip ties again 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh this is cool! *burns entire body, blows up a building* .....so I might just leave that to someone else....
Edited 10 years ago
Just davinci trolling humanity 11 comments
· 10 years ago
His unfinished projects was because he never thought them good enough to be finished, and he continued to think he could improve them and hence they weren't finished. Like with a piece of art work, it is never truely fhushed, there can always be more added or changed.
Lost wallet experiment 7 comments
Cirque Du Freak? Demonata series? Anyone 56 comments
The internet is now closed on Sundays 8 comments
Probably not a real Story,but the Scenario is sad 52 comments
· 10 years ago
From your point of view ns their lives may not be that bad, but from their point of view it is. They see no escape to the living hell they are in. The only escape they see is suicide.
Almost every time I'm moving furniture, I want to yell... 7 comments
· 10 years ago
That is one of my friends favourite words. He says it all the time. We will be like turn around and he'll be like no, pivot.
Edited 10 years ago
She's good with numbers and stuff 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I would say it is each persons individual choice. I disagree with it but that's my opinion and people are free to choose what they would like to do with their bodies and what for.
The most beautiful way to say goodbye 24 comments
Probably not a real Story,but the Scenario is sad 52 comments
· 10 years ago
If you want someone to see something from your point of view, you have to first see it from theirs.
There are some nostalgic flyers buried in there 11 comments