First word of the year 13 comments
· 10 years ago
It's already 2015 here! My first words were no! They can't die! (I was watching dr who)
Coincidental Imagery is fun! 11 comments
Real talk 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Abusers also isolate the person they are abusing. They take them away from family and friends and won't let them go out. They limit their acess to money and social situations and Internet use and so this makes the victim think they dont have anyone else and they need the abuser and have no one else so they stay with them.
Is he single? 18 comments
Just write a book already 73 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah. They draw them on in dr who and they end up with black tally marks all over them. They usually start marking on the inside of their wrist.
I guess some peoples names are more "exotic" than mine 46 comments
· 10 years ago
My name is Iyana. My Aunty who was at my birth can't even say it properly let alone spell it.
Edited 10 years ago
I've never thought about it like that before 21 comments
Just write a book already 73 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah I'd say it is originally from doctor who. They have these aliens that when you look at them you can see them but when you look away you forget they were even there and so when they see one they make a tally mark on their arm before they look away. That way they remember they've seen the aliens even though they can't remember what they look like.
Just in case you never saw one 11 comments
Re-watching movies with your kids 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm a Christian and go to a Christian school and we all joke about different ways they used to teach us bible stories in Sunday school and things but we found that most of us remembered veggie tales above other things. Not saying that other ways of teaching are bad it was just what we found to help. It wasn't overly preachy and was fun and entertaining :) I really love veggie tales :D
Edited 10 years ago
Re-watching movies with your kids 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree. I like the way they portray the message across. Our class is 15-18yr olds at school and we all still love watching it :)
Teenage Girls agree with me 8 comments
Re-watching movies with your kids 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Omg I love Veggie tales! We made our teacher let us watch it at school earlier this year :D
I guess some peoples names are more "exotic" than mine 46 comments
· 10 years ago
My name isn't anywhere either. Nowhere. People can't spell name or say it. I've had one teacher for over a year and they still say it wrong. I've given up and people just call me whatever name first comes to mind :) haha
My life is a comedy show 3 comments
· 10 years ago
My life is a romantic comedy, except without the romance and just me laughing at my own jokes